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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-05-20 16:26:51
Velvet in the processing section, since sections of different parts. Its characters, names and quality are also different. David Kok thick top crust, but very delicate, so brownish yellow, bright, yellow-white inner skin is translucent, waxy oily like, planing into thin slices, called "blood spots"; the lower corner clean yellow or white, made of sheet plane called "head sand sheet"; to take over the site of the "two sand sheet"; the end corner has ossification, not medicine. Antler quality flexible, lightweight gas slightly fishy taste slightly salty.
True Velvet: lightweight, hard and brittle, gas micro fishy, ​​salty taste. The surface of the dense red, yellow or brown thin hair, skin Velvet close, easy to peel. In thick velvet, very round, plump top, capillary soft, red, yellow color, reddish brown skin color, have oily sheen preferred. Velvet circular or oval-shaped, red-brown skin, honeycomb sections, dense preferred.
Fake velvet: is made of animal fur and other animal glue wrapped imitation, similar circular, but uneven thickness skin was brown, purple brown cut surface, no honeycomb pores, occasional dots, weight, quality tough, difficult cut off gas light, can be dissolved in water, the solution was turbid.
Difference ejection Velvet piece Velvet pieces with blood
Ejection velvet Pieces
其多数加工成圆形,斜形薄片或破碎薄片,胶质透明,无角质化,外皮薄呈浅棕色或灰黄色,由于排血干净的鹿茸片呈白色,或白黄色,结构清晰,外观色美,体轻,气微腥,味微咸。此种排血茸片,一些老中医认为越白越好,黑的不好,这是不科学的,经研究证实鹿茸内液体物,其中含有大量药效较高的鹿茸精(Pantocrine) ,排血茸茸内的液体药物几乎全部流失,所损失的液体药为鲜茸重量的8 %~9 % ,为提高鹿茸的质量,现多改为带血加工。
Most of its processing into a circular, oblique sheet or sheet broken, glial transparent, non horny outer thin light brown or grayish yellow, due to the ejection of a clean sheet of white velvet, white or yellow, clear structure, the appearance of color US, lightweight, gas slightly fishy taste brackish. Such ejection Velvet piece, some of the old Chinese medicine, the more white the better, the black is not good, it is unscientific, the study confirmed that the liquid inside the velvet material, which contains a large number of high potency Pantocrinum (Pantocrine), row almost all of the liquid medication within the blood envelops the loss of the loss of liquid drug is 8% to 9% by weight of fresh and dried, in order to improve the quality of velvet, now replaced by more blood processing.
Velvet blood into a circular sheet or foil broken, the skin hard, dark yellow skin color, mostly black or white Pieces, tip first floor furry white as wax, such as oily fat, thick smell fishy taste brackish .
Velvet prices are not bandits, but also a good tonic effect, loved by many people, but herbs are good and bad, as long as know how to distinguish the method can buy better quality velvet. About 40 kinds of deer around the world, distributed in the 19 species. Deer, red deer is China's major Velvet with deer. Sika is mainly produced in Jilin, Liaoning; red deer mainly produced in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Sichuan and other provinces. Northeast deer harvest called "velvet flower" optimal quality; Northeast red deer harvest is called "East Malaysia Velvet", better quality; the northwest produced called "Simma Velvet" inferior quality. Velvet is very expensive medicines taking can enhance cardiac contractility, especially to enhance the body function, eliminate fatigue has significant health benefits. Velvet in the purchase, the need for attention to the difference between paying and Deer Antler Velvet blood film flakes, old gusset.
Velvet is usually used as a pharmaceutical processing into chips sold. Medicinal value and the maximum price of the most expensive is sliced ​​antler tip portion, commonly known as "wax sheet" and "blood spots", but a small number. This top grade velvet is usually light brown or brown, translucent circular sheet, slightly fishy odor, slightly salty taste, the sheet surrounding skin has a reddish-brown or brown hair.

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