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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-05-21 09:18:53
Summer temperatures hot summer to do to the deer feeding and management, said the following summer under what precautions Deer have:
① doe litter to achieve "four to see."
To see a doe litter symptoms such as less food, do not eat, walk around and so disturbed. Second, we must see dew blisters or "water breaks", which is an important basis for determining whether dystocia. For doe giving birth, to do three early: early detection, early diagnosis and early midwifery. Third, we must see Fawn production down, because some early production doe doe or evil secluded postpartum Grilled, hit, bite, abandonment abnormal behavior Zilu saw erratic behavior to facilitate the timely prevention and control; 4 to see young deer eat colostrum, under normal circumstances Fawn 0.5 to 1 hour after birth can eat colostrum, milk of beginning to eat deer young deer looking for support on behalf of the nurse or artificial feeding, individual Fawn 12 hours after birth, or even 24 hours before the beginning of the survival of milk to eat rate is very low.
② Fawn in batches weaning
Currently it uses a 1-time weaning. Benefits batch weaning concentrate mainly doe to save expenses.
③ improve domesticated Zilu
Domesticated deer can increase stress resistance and ability to adapt to the environment, so easily frightened, sparsely people become docile deer, close to people, to facilitate the safe production. Acclimation specific method is "regular contact." Therefore, the staff often go deer house contact Fawn; especially weaning Fawn, frequent contact with people can alleviate stress caused by weaning from the mother, it is conducive to growth.
④ improve Zilu artificial feeding
Fawn artificial feeding must be fed colostrum, it is best to eat three days. Feeding to do: ① timing 30 days 4 times a day, 31 to 60 days three times a day, 61 to 75 days 2 to 4 times; ② quantitative Fawn first day to feed 800 to 1000 ml, plus a day after 10 to 20 ml, because feed intake, you can reduce 60 days after 5 to 10 ml per day, of course, should be considered Fawn weight corresponding increase or decrease the size of the loss situation; ③ qualitative, to use disease-free fresh cow's milk (sheep milk can, to be sterilized by boiling); ④ fixed temperature, 37 ~ 38 ℃ best. Feeding cooking utensils daily disinfection, environmental sanitation. With "wear pants" or isolation methods to prevent inter-Fawn suck urine.
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