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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-05-23 16:02:33
Lu Jin have a good effect and effect, can treat excessive strain, for rheumatoid arthritis also have a good effect, deer tendon in favor of male impotence and nocturnal emission, is conducive to the woman's uterus cold, deer tendon can be used to directly sparkling wine, play a role in the health of the wine, so we have to make good use of deer tendon.
 主治:颈椎病痹证型,手指麻木酸痛者。友情提示:拍品为梅花鹿鹿筋 鹿筋是鹿四肢的伸肌腱、屈肌腱和背最长肌的肌膜。因鹿筋内含有睾丸酮、雌二醇等性激素,以及脯氨酸、甘氨酸等多种氨基酸、钠、铁、锰、锌等多种无机元素,故鹿筋有如下功能:补劳损、续绝伤、壮筋骨。
 Indications: Arthralgia type cervical spondylosis, numbness of the fingers ache. Tips: lots of deer Lu Jin Lu Jin deer limbs extensor tendon, flexor tendon and muscle longissimus muscle membrane. Lu Jin because inside contains testosterone, estradiol and other sex hormones, as well as proline, glycine and other amino acids, sodium, iron, manganese, zinc and other inorganic elements, so Lu Jin has the following functions: complement strain, continued never hurt , strong bones.
 Lu Jin can sinews and bones, blood meridians, raw lean marrow, attending strain, continued never hurt, big strong bones, complement yang; for long suffering rheumatism, joint pain, lumbar pain, aching fatigue or weakness, falter, hand, foot weakness, hands and feet cramps, bruises, fatigue, aching muscles and other significant effect. Lu Jin is rich in collagen, and maintained Lu Jin-containing blood in the process, it strengthened Lu Jin nourishing effect.
Character identification
① deer tendons, the product was slender strips, long 25-43cm. Crude 0.8-1.2cm. Golden yellow or brown, shiny, translucent. Dewclaw small hoof black, smooth, was a little narrow semicircular, hoof pads gray-black, horny. Hoof brown or light brown hair, thin and soft. Sesamoid 4, smooth articular surface, 2,3 sesamoid like tongue, slightly larger, long 1.2-1.4cm, width 0.5-0.7cm, 1,4 sesamoid articular surface has a ridge, side ramp elongated strip, long 0.9-1.1cm, width 0.4-0.6cm. Quality tough, difficult to break, gas slightly fishy, ​​tasteless.  
②马鹿筋,本品呈细长条状,长37-54cm,粗1.4-3cm。红棕色或棕黄色,有光泽,不透明或半透明。悬蹄较大,蹄甲黑色,光滑,呈半圆锥状,顶部钝圆,蹄垫灰黑色,角质化。蹄毛棕黄色或棕色,稍柔软。籽骨4块,关节面光滑,2、3籽骨似舌状,稍大,长1.6-1.8cm,宽0.8-1cm,1、4籽骨关节面均有1条棱脊,一侧斜面呈长条形,长1.3-1.5cm,宽0.7-0.9cm,一侧斜面呈长条形,长1.3-1.5cm,宽0.7-0.9cm,一侧斜面呈长半圆形,长1.3-1.5cm ,宽0.7-0.9cm。质坚韧。气微腥,味淡。
② Ma Lu Jin, the product was slender strips, long 37-54cm, coarse 1.4-3cm. Reddish-brown or brown, shiny, opaque or translucent. Dewclaw large hoof black, smooth, semicircular tapered, rounded top, gray and black hoof pads, horny. Hoof hair brown or brown, slightly soft. Sesamoid 4, smooth articular surface, 2,3 sesamoid like tongue, slightly larger, long 1.6-1.8cm, width 0.8-1cm, 1,4 sesamoid articular surface has a ridge, side slant was elongated, long 1.3-1.5cm, width 0.7-0.9cm, side slant elongated strip, long 1.3-1.5cm, width 0.7-0.9cm, side slant elongated semicircle, long 1.3-1.5cm wide 0.7-0.9cm. Tenacity. Gas slightly fishy, ​​tasteless.
Recommended Usage:
① prescription dosage of 6-15 grams. Decoction or cooking.
② Lu Jin 100 grams, Achyranthes 10 grams, 500 grams of chicken, ham 50 grams, 25 grams of mushrooms, pepper 5 grams, 0.5 grams of MSG, rice wine 30 grams, 10 grams of ginger, light blue 10 grams, 5 grams of salt. Cut into diagonal slices wash fountain Huai bidentata; Lu Jin put in the steaming bowl, add water, cage steam for about 4 hours, until melted when removed, rinse with cold water immersion for 2 hours and stripped the outer fascia , wash; ham cut into wire; water, fat mushrooms after the cut wire; ginger, onions washed, cut ginger, scallion. Lu Jin cut into sections after the swollen, chicken chopped into 2cm squares will take the steaming bowl Lu Jin, chicken into the bowl, then pregnant Achyranthes sheet placed on top of chicken, ham, mushrooms silk blending after evenly spread around, ginger, spring onion in a bowl, then pepper, MSG, rice wine, salt, broth adjusted Flavored poured into a bowl, cage steam for about 3 hours, until Lu Jin Shulan after he came out, to pick ginger, onions, and then seasoning edible. For liver and kidney, strong bones, Lee joints; liver and kidney deficiency lumbar and leg pain, weakness is also good effect
③ dry Lu Jin 200 grams snow lotus 3 grams, 50 grams mushrooms, chicken feet, 200 grams, 25 grams of ham, other spices amount. Lu Jin first washed with cold water, add water immersion, water and back, repeatedly, until deer tendon swell (about 2 days, urgently steaming method available) repair to the fascia, cut into wide strips finger pot added light blue segment, ginger, rice wine and the amount of water, simmer thoroughly removed, remove onion, ginger, Lu Jin into the steaming bowl; the chicken feet thoroughly with water hot, take off the yellow, chopping off Zhao Jian, remove big bone, washed added to the steaming bowl; snow lotus Amoy washed yarn bag loose into the steaming bowl, put the pre-cut surface of the ham meat, mushrooms, add top soup, rice wine, ginger sheet, light blue, cage steam to take out (about 2 hours) Lu Jin soft when cooked, decanting the soup, soup add MSG, salt, stir again poured into the steaming bowl, then steamed for half an hour remove and serve. This soup has liver or kidney, strong bones and muscles, in addition to the power of the cold. For rheumatoid joint pain, weakness, and weak limbs fatigue syndrome.

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