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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-05-24 17:34:54
Velvet is a precious traditional Chinese medicine, has a spermatogenic complement marrow, nourishing Yiyang, gluten bone health effect. Antler processing is directly related to their quality velvet, velvet processing is the main purpose of dewatering, drying, preservation, disinfection, conformal, color retention, improve quality, conducive to long-term preservation. Now widely used dried blood processing technology, through repeated practice of the major deer, summed up when a relatively saving time, effort, easy operation, high quality Velvet dry method, are presented below:
1, washing method: fresh new Velvet charged with 40 ℃ around 2% alkaline wash Velvet table, masonry remove oil, dirt and other bloody, it aims to improve the permeability of dried skin surface, easy to dehydration.
2, sealing kerf: flour evenly sprinkle on the saw cut, with l00W electric iron seal kerf. 
3, velvet frozen: 
(1) will be placed in the velvet down the kerf freezer, contact areas between Velvet paper apart, so as not to stick together and cause freezing indentation. 
(2) -15 ℃ to -20 ℃ freeze until frozen through. 
4, thawed and dried: 
(1) drying oven set temperature 75 ℃, warm up for 30 minutes.
(2) The frozen velvet removed from the freezer, directly flat on the preheated baking tray Velvet box shelves, pay attention not to pile velvet, velvet avoid thawing process caused by surface indentation. 
(3) drying the inside temperature is 40 ℃, time is 2 hours. At this point is the thawing process; note the thawing process can not be interrupted heating, such as heating interruption will cause dried skin and medulla part from the future will appear Xuan skin when drying. 
(4) followed by drying oven temperature 50 ℃, time is 1 hour. At this point it is to continue thawing.
(5) followed by a drying oven set temperature of 60 ℃, for 1 hour. At this time still continue thawing process.
(6) followed by a drying oven set temperature of 70 ℃, drying time is 8 hours, turning every 2 hours for a velvet one. Drying time can not stop, otherwise it will happen Xuan Paper.
(7) inside the velvet from drying out, sending cold air drying chamber to dry for 12 hours. 
(8) a drying oven set temperature of 75 ℃, the cold after flat velvet antler rack placed in care, heating and drying 10 hours, turning once every two hours in the middle antler. 
(9) inside the velvet from drying out and send it air-dry chamber cold air-dried for 12 hours. 
(10) a drying oven set temperature of 75 ℃, the cold after flat velvet antler rack placed in care, heating and drying for 4 to 8 hours. At this time pay attention to check and found that the water content can be removed when the antler reached about 28%. 
(11) inside the velvet from drying out, into the room air-dried to hang dry. 
(12) After the boil once a day hot Velvet head, hot head cook dried water temperature 98 ℃. Cook hot Velvet antler head standard head changes from hard to soft, then hard, resilient so far. Day drying time, the inside temperature is 75 ℃, drying every 2 to 3 hours until the water content up to standard antler dried up. Velvet from thawing to be processed into a standard moisture content of about 15 days. 
With this method of freeze-drying process antler, antler and dry than fresh and dried is 1: 2.5 or so, and dry downy good shape, containing dried blood fully, evenly distributed, Velvet head full, Popi.

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