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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-06-03 15:55:46
Deer breeding to win to win at the starting line. Farmed deer must first give it a comfortable environment, then what kind of environment it is more suitable for it, here are a few suggestions to the deer breeding base in Shandong:
首先地形、地势和土壤条件 鹿场场址应选地势较高燥、向南或偏向东南、有5度 坡度的沙质或沙石土场所。山区要选在不受山水威胁、避风、向阳、排水良好的地方。
First topography, terrain and soil conditions Luchang sites should be selected higher ground dry, south or southeast bias, there are 5 degrees slope of sand or sandy soil areas. Mountain to choose from in the threat landscape, sheltered, sunny, well-drained areas.
其次饲料条件 这是选场的主要条件。鹿场最好有足够的饲料地或者有可靠的供应各种饲料的基地。完全圈养的梅花鹿每年每只平均需要精饲料350 一400 千克,需要粗饲料1 200一1 500 千克(马鹿需要量为梅花鹿的2 一3 倍),需饲料地面积0 . 1 一0 . 2 公顷,需采草场或山场0 . 3 一0 . 5 公顷,需草原0 . 5 一0 . 7 公顷。圈养放牧的应具有500 一1 000 只鹿的中等牧场,每只梅花鹿需1 公顷、马鹿需1 . 5 公顷放牧场。在确定放牧场之前,必须进行牧地植物学和饲料产量的调查。
Secondly feed conditions. This is the main condition selected field. Luchang best to have enough feed or a reliable supply base for a variety of feed. Entirely captive deer concentrate feed per year on average 350 to 400 kg need roughage 1200 a 1500 kg (wapiti requirement is two to three times sika deer), the need to feed an area of ​​0.1 a 0.2 ha need to adopt pasture or mountain farm 0.3 Yi 0.5 hectares, to be grassland 0.5 Yi 0.7 hectares. Captive grazing should have 500 - 1 000 deer moderate pasture, each need one hectare deer, red deer need 1.5 hectares pasture. Before determining pasture, rangeland botany must be investigated and feed production.
再者水源条件 建场前要对场内的地下水位、自然水源、水量、水质进行必要的勘测和调查,对水质要进行理化和生物学检验,并注意水中的无机盐含量。对于井水或泉水的水量,应以枯水期能满足生产和生活用水需要为标准。要避免使用江河等地上的自然水源或场址附近被污染的水源。
Furthermore, water conditions before the construction field to field on the groundwater level, natural water sources, water quantity, water quality surveys and investigations necessary, to conduct water quality physicochemical and biological testing, and pay attention to the inorganic salt content in the water. For well water or spring water, and the dry season should be able to meet the water needs of production and living standards. To avoid the use of the ground near rivers and other natural water sources or sites contaminated water.
另外交通和电力条件也很重要 建场地点应以距离公路1.0-1.5千米,距离铁路5-10千米为宜,以便于设备、饲料的供应及产品的发送,便利职工生活。同时电力要充足,距离电源较近。
Further conditions for transport and electricity is also very important to build the market place should be road 1.0-1.5 km Distance from railway 5-10 one thousand meters is appropriate, in order to send equipment, feed and supply the product to facilitate lives of the workers. At the same time should be sufficient electricity from the power supply closer.
最后社会环境和经济条件 鹿场的场址不应选择在工矿区和公共设施附近,不要阵被牛羊传染病污染过的地方或畜牧场旧址上建场。鹿群要障与牛羊分开的放牧场和草场。鹿场要在当地居民区的下水向3 千米以上,以避免各种复杂环境造成对鹿群的博扰或传染疾病。还要注意场址附近的资源条件,如建材是声方便,劳力是否充足等等。
Finally, the social environment and economic conditions deer farm sites should not be selected in the vicinity of mining areas and public facilities, not the array is built on the field of infectious diseases of cattle and sheep contaminated areas or livestock farm site. Barrier to deer and cattle grazing and pastures separate. Deer in the local neighborhood to the water to 3 km or more, in order to avoid a variety of complex environment for deer Bo interference or infectious diseases. Note also near the site of resources, such as building materials are sound easy, the adequacy of labor, etc.

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