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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-06-08 15:31:37
First, sterilization is not complete
Disinfection methods generally livestock farms there are three kinds, namely, with livestock (spray) disinfection, drinking water disinfection and environmental disinfection. These three disinfection methods respectively cut off the transmission of different pathogens, can not replace each other.
Livestock disinfection with: air can kill, carcass surfaces, floors and roofs and walls, etc. pathogens, the prevention and control of respiratory droplets, air-borne diseases is important, but also has a reduced discounted ammonia concentration and sunstroke effects; common misunderstanding is based on whether the surface of the carcass or equipment visible disinfectant determines the success or failure of the sterilization operation, rather than droplets suspended in the discounted time, the selected disinfectant to kill viruses, bacteria to determine the effective time .
Disinfection of drinking water: drinking water can kill livestock and purify the intestinal pathogens, the prevention of gastrointestinal disease have a positive significance; common misunderstanding is to ensure that the herd no diarrhea, persistent drinking disinfectant, disinfectant for drinking water when pH is very good attention, so that the harm to animals normal microflora. In general, the acidic environment to digest animal growth and feed absorption has a positive effect.
Environmental disinfection: ground including livestock farms, doorways and hallways, vehicles and other disinfection; common misunderstanding is not correctly replace disinfectants, acid-base and the emergence of the issue; fails to consider the wait for winter when the ambient temperature disinfectants disinfection factors and easily replace the disinfectant.
Second, the inappropriate choice of disinfectant
Not for the problems faced by livestock farms target pathogens, but too much to consider when choosing a disinfectant cost factors, select some concept of speculation, the same drug synonym, inexpensive disinfectant.
Third, ignoring the factors that influence disinfection
Not considered a disinfectant to the ambient temperature, relative humidity when selecting disinfectants, organic pollution degree requirements, the choice in the cold winter without cold or very low disinfection of caustic soda, formalin in dry, cold conditions fumigation and other wrongdoing, it is impossible to obtain the effect of disinfection.
温度:一般情况下,消毒液温度高,消毒效果可加大。实验证明,消毒液温度每提高10 ~12 摄氏度。杀菌效力增加1倍。另外,在熏蒸消毒时,需将舍温提高到20摄氏度以上,才有较好的效果, 否则效果不佳。
Temperature: Under normal circumstances, high temperature disinfectant, disinfectant effect can be increased. Experimental results show that the temperature of disinfectant every 10 to 12 degrees Celsius. Bactericidal effect doubled. In addition, when fumigation, Sherwin need to be increased to 20 degrees Celsius or more, and have good results, otherwise ineffective.
湿度:很多消毒措施(气体消毒)对湿度的要求较高,如熏蒸消毒时需将舍内湿度提高到60 %~70 %,才有效果;生石灰单独用于消毒是无效的,需洒上水或制成石灰乳等。
Humidity: Many disinfection measures (disinfection gas) require a higher humidity, such as when you need to fumigation discounted humidity increased to 60% to 70%, will be effective; lime used for disinfection alone is ineffective, to be sprinkled with water or made into milk of lime and the like.
污物或残料:灰尘、残料( 如蛋白质) 等都会影响消毒效果,尤其在进雏前消毒育雏用具时,一定要先清洗再消毒,不能清洗消毒一步完成,否则污物或残料会严重影响消毒效果,使消毒不彻底。
Dirt or residual material: dust, residual material (such as proteins) will affect the disinfection effect, especially when the child disinfected before entering the brood appliance, be sure to clean and then disinfected, cleaned and disinfected can not be done, otherwise the material will be dirt or residues seriously affect disinfection, sterilization is not complete so.
Fourth, the disinfectant concentration and dosage inaccuracies
Disinfectant concentration is not as high as possible. First, waste concentration is too high, the second will corrode equipment, three may also cause harm to the herd. In addition, some disinfectant concentration is too high but will make the disinfection effect is reduced. Terms of the amount of disinfectant, disinfectant spray at 30 milliliters per cubic meter of space is appropriate, too large lead to discounted too wet, small amount and reach disinfection.

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