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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-06-18 09:54:56
(A) to feeding and management of postpartum carefully. Doe during childbirth, there should be someone on duty guard. By Fawn production, the body should Fawn mucus dry, let it eat colostrum as soon as possible, then cut ear number, the timing back doe group breastfeeding. During Fawn breastfeeding should avoid smelly things, such as alcohol, soap and other touch Fawn, otherwise it will be too doe its smell and refuse to feed.
(Ii) artificial feeding is timely. If the doe dead or sick can not be breast-feeding and lack of milk after childbirth, measures must be taken to artificial feeding. Usually with fresh goat milk or milk substitute, if had to use milk, milk powder concentration shall brewing slightly increased to meet the needs of growth and development of young deer. Artificial feeding time, feeding times and amounts determined in accordance with Fawn's age, birth weight and the development of the situation. In the absence of empirical standards, to the amount of Fawn artificial feeding can refer to the amount of artificial feeding calves. Insist on milk, milk with disinfection to prevent bacterial growth in milk and milk rancidity.
(C) gradually over the feed feed. Fawn 30 days after juicy fodder can be fed, and gradually Buwei concentrate. Concentrate available sorghum fried spices into a paste, then add cooked ground corn, soybean Hunban can, soybeans accounted for 10% ration from less to more, 200 - 300 grams of feed per day, grouping daily before weaning to reach each 500 grams. Chopped green fodder to feed. In fact, Fawn to 20 - - 30 days began to look for plant feed and energy intake of some green grass, but this source of nutrition is breast milk is still the main Fawn. When Fawn weighing about 25 kg, can be weaning, artificial feeding turn.
(D) none other than the mother Aberdeen column urgency. When the mother Fawn column, two adjacent intermediate ring provided a pass, the first mother, Fawn all rush into one circle and then another doe into the ring. Initially can be left in the doe Fawn circle 1--2 days 4--5 days apart each time 1--3 hours initially, then gradually extended, open noon and evening will get married, let mother Aberdeen free, Fawn nurse. To increase the opportunities for contact person deer, with whistles when feeding and water supply, so Fawn stable temperament.
(V) careful management after weaning. After weaning accordance Fawn Fawn gender, physical strength, body size, etc., cluster feeding. Early departure doe, Fawn will tweet more than, mental status, loss of appetite are affected. Breeder Be patient care. Fawn eat small, fast digestion, feed more often, from the inner half of the milk can be fed 4--5 times a day, once at night feeding green fodder, after gradually reach fed three times a day. Can be soybean, corn cooked some corn kernels into flour corn, soybean ground into soy milk in proportion Hunban. Meanwhile roughage can vote for poplar leaves, chopped green corn stalks, etc., to clean water, adequate. Also pay attention to the supply of minerals, Buwei vitamins, trace elements such as selenium additives, add salt, bone meal in the diet can prevent rickets, osteomalacia occurred.
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