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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-06-20 14:00:15
Deer body is a treasure, velvet has high medicinal value and tonic function, is the king of Chinese medicine, tonic the top grade; deer kidney function more aphrodisiac tonic, is domestic and international pharmaceutical industry as a strong complement fine yang, enhance sexual cure function; Luk Mei, Lu Jin and other diseases have healed claw crazy features; deer and women have kidney disease treatment function; deer blood, deer placenta also has high medicinal value; it is the production of high-end luxury deerskin leather clothing the best raw materials; Lu Jin, deer heart, venison is a high-end luxury gallery Ming Yao. So, what deer breeding conditions?
Site selection topography, terrain and soil deer farm site should choose the terrain is dry, the south or southeast bias, the soil there are places sandy slope of 5 degrees or less stone. Mountain to choose from in the threat landscape, sheltered, wind direction, good drainage.
Feed conditions. This is the main condition selected field. Best choice in lush pasture throughout the year, good environmental protection, low pollution, low noise areas. Entirely captive deer per year on average between 350 and 400 kg of concentrated feed, roughage needs from 1750 to 2000 kg (wapiti deer requirement of 2-3 times).
Deer is a ruminant, cattle and sheep eat lower than the more resistant roughage, straw all crops, by-products, green branches leaves, wormwood is a good deer feed. Due to the physiological characteristics of deer genus wild habits, feed conversion rate is very high, it is generally green fodder to meet the mountain, Mid and forage to meet the mountain, Mid and pasture area available year round to concentrated feed, so feed cost ratio Usually frigid area savings of 30% to 40%.
Water conditions before the construction of the deer to the venue of the groundwater level, natural water sources, water quantity, water quality necessary surveys and surveys of water quality but also the physical and biological testing, and pay attention to the inorganic salt content in the water. For well water or spring water in the inorganic salt content, it should be able to meet the growth in the dry season and domestic water needs as the standard. To avoid using nearby rivers and other natural water sources or ground water contaminated site.
Luchang social environment should not be selected venues in the vicinity of mining areas and public facilities, not to build the farm on contaminated cattle diseases place or livestock farm site. The best deer farm built in the local residential areas downwind, downwind and beyond 3000 meters, in order to avoid a variety of complex environment of deer disturbed or infectious diseases.

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