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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-06-23 15:27:55
Although the summer is hot and rainy, but the industry is harvesting deer antler and Fawn born busy chestnut festival. Since the hot and rainy weather, it is a disease of deer season, with people busy harvesting and processing velvet, so the management of Liu, before and after birth Fawn easy to overlook, so the newborn Fawn onset and high mortality, in order to improve Aberdeen dawn survival rate, improve economic efficiency deer, in addition to doing general work daily in summer deer production outside: as pens should be regularly disinfected, good health and epidemic prevention work and attention, keeping feed, often dry. Maintain ventilation, prevents mold and deterioration, etc., but also really good summer cooling, etc., Also, a good grasp of the following five aspects:
(一)科学饲养怀孕母鹿母鹿怀孕后营养需要量大增,特别是怀孕后期,不但母鹿本身需要充足的营养,同时还要有大量营养满足胎儿生长发育需要,因此要加强母鹿的科学饲养.首先要保证母鹿料足、水足,让母鹿吃饱喝足。其次要保持圈舍干净卫生,并要加强母鹿的驯化和运动,防止过肥成拥挤、碰撞而造成流产。母鹿精料量每天要达到1~1.25千克,保持这时期最高营养水平。其中饼粕类蛋白质饲料要占梢料的 30%~35%,磷酸钙10~15克,食盐10克。对于粗饲料要求品种多样化,质好,量足,尤其夜间更要供给充足优质的饲料。
(A) scientific breeding pregnant doe doe pregnancy nutritional requirements increase, especially in late pregnancy, not only doe itself needs adequate nutrition, but also a large number of fetal growth and development to meet the nutritional needs, so to strengthen the doe scientific farming. First, to ensure doe enough material, enough water, so doe satiate. Second, we must keep pens clean, and to strengthen the doe domestication and exercise to prevent overweight as crowded, collisions caused by abortion. Doe fine quantity per day to reach 1 to 1.25 kg, this time keeping the highest nutrient levels. Wherein the protein feed meal class to account for 30% to 35% tip material, calcium phosphate 10 to 15 grams, 10 grams of salt. For roughage requirements of species diversity, good quality, and quantity, especially at night but also to an adequate supply of high-quality feed.
(Ii) strengthen labor and newborn doe doe Fawn care found in labor symptoms appear, such as decreased appetite, or not eat, walk anxiety, etc., to do all the confinements of preparation. In particular, according to whether the dew blisters or "water breaks" to determine whether dystocia to do midwifery preparation for childbirth doe to early detection, early diagnosis, early midwifery in order to improve the survival rate of calving. To primiparous farrowing cribbing or doe doe early prevention and control of its expense, hit, bite, abandonment of abnormal behavior Fawn, Fawn ensure newborn survival. Fawn newborn to timely eat colostrum, under normal circumstances, usually after birth from 30 minutes to 1 hour, the young deer can eat their own colostrum, which can survive such a young deer. For 12 hours after birth, or even 24 small to eat colostrum young deer, this situation is generally very low survival rate. For young deer to eat colostrum to find time to help nurse their support on behalf of a deer or artificial feeding, which is an important measure to increase the survival rate of newborn Fawn.
(C) do work Fawn Fawn artificial feeding artificial feeding work must start from colostrum, the best feed 3 days. For daily feeding to achieve the "four", namely, the timing: 30 days to feed 4 times a day, 31 to 60 days of age, fed three times a day, 61 to 75 days of age, feed 2-4 times a day: Quantitative: The first deer one day to feed 800 ml, after an increase of 10 to 20 ml per day, 60-day-old shield because feed intake. Per day can be reduced 5 to 10 ml, it should decide whether to increase or decrease the amount of breast-feeding according to body condition and appetite Fawn situation. Qualitative: use fresh healthy cows or goats milk, boiled disinfection after feeding. Fixed temperature: artificial feeding of milk, generally should be maintained at 37 ~ 38 ℃ for good. Also, maintain environmental hygiene, feeding utensils should be sterilized by boiling day.
(Iv) build Zilu health bar and do a good job feeding fence construction Fawn protection is an important measure to ensure the safety Fawn survival, no Zilu protection field is a major cause of casualties occurred Fawn, Fawn protection fence height to be built in the barn, to pave the way for a column grass and the sun often, and often replace, keep dry and sanitary. At the same time do a good job feeding Fawn work. Feeding from the beginning 2 weeks after birth, were in the protective box. Start Fawn not feed or feed rarely, after a few days will get used. When feeding to a small amount, many times, to feed 4-5 times a day, one hour after clearing away the remaining material, Xishai manger, to ensure the supply of clean fresh water, feeding as soon as possible to Fawn, both exercise thousand deer harvest food capacity, can exercise their gastrointestinal function, feed intake after weaning to lay a good foundation. General blending milk Zilu diarrhea mainly due to advance feeding or not caused by poor feeding, after feeding the young deer rarely diarrhea.
(E) do a good job Fawn Fawn batch job batch weaning weaning helps save doe concentrate expenditure, early exercise Fawn gastrointestinal function and feed capability. Currently, most methods are based on deer farms in August 15 to 20 days away from the one-time milk, in fact, after age 60 thousand deer raw milk can reside. The May birth Zilu to around August 15 has over 100 days of age, one blending milk a slightly late. So, do a good job Fawn batch work in favor of weaning and doe deer Khan's health and save costs and improve breeding efficiency.

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