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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-06-25 09:46:02
Deer in the production, management techniques for different deer and different production periods there is a unified requirements and regulations, which is the general management measures.
1.合理布局和组织 按鹿的性别、年龄和健康状况布局。把公鹿安排在上风向,母鹿安排在下风向,拉大公母鹿两区间的距离,依年龄从高龄到低龄进行安排。这样既可减轻配种季节由母鹿发情气味诱使公鹿争偶角斗、互相爬跨造成的伤亡和体力消耗,又可使大龄母鹿分娩期每天清晨少受收 茸拨鹿的声响影响,有一个较安静的产仔环境,减少由惊动引起的难产造成的仔鹿伤亡。按年龄和健康状况把公母鹿再分成若干小群,便于按群配给日粮,使收茸、产仔、拨鹿互不干扰,保证正常采食和生产。如果有条件,可将初角鹿和年轻公鹿尽量安排在保定圈(吊圈)附近,而将仔鹿安排在最下方的队部或场部附近,以减少工作量和强化仔鹿的驯化。
1. Rational distribution and organization of deer by sex, age and state of health layouts. The stag arrangements upwind, downwind arrangements doe, doe pull away from the Grand Duchy of two intervals, depending on age from the elderly to young arrangements. This will not only reduce the breeding season the doe estrus odor lure Bucks even gladiatorial fight each other creeping casualties and physical exertion, but also make the older doe childbirth every morning by the sound of the impact less income allocated deer antler, have a quieter environment calving, alarmed by the reduction caused dystocia Zilu casualties caused. By age and health of the public doe then divided into several small groups, group rationing diet easy to follow, so close Velvet, litter, dial deer without disturbing each other, to ensure normal feeding and production. If the conditions can be the beginning of a young stag deer and as far as possible in the (hanging ring) near Baoding circle, and will be arranged in the near Fawn team sites or field portion of the bottom, in order to reduce the workload and strengthen Fawn domestication.
2.鹿群圈舍、饲养人员及所用信号要相对稳定 目的是建立巩固的管理条件反射,这对较长期的保持鹿群稳定、正常 管理、采食和活动等具有特殊重要意义。
2. Deer pens, feeders, and the signal to be relatively stable aim is to build a solid management reflex, which is longer-term to maintain stable deer, and other normal management, feeding and activity of particular importance.
3. Administrative Procedures outlined
(1)检查和观察 每天上班后和下班前至少进行两次检查和观察。其要点:检查国门,观察鹿的采食、饮水、反刍、精神、鼻镜、可视粘膜、眼屎、被毛、粪便、姿势、步态、耳状态、颌下或颈下及胸前淋巴结、呼吸及鼻孔和鼻翼、耿窝等,检查其他设施和设备等。
(1) examination and observation to work every day and work at least twice before the examination and observation. The main points: Check the country to observe the deer feed, water, ruminants, spiritual, nose, visible mucous membranes, mucus, hair, feces, posture, gait, ear state, submandibular or neck and under the chest lymph nodes, breathing and nose and nostrils, Geng fossa, inspection and other facilities and equipment.
(2)按时饲喂精粗饲料和补饲无机盐 喂前应扫净饲槽,检查饲料质量。
(2) timely feeding forage to concentrate feed and mineral supplementation should sweep before feeding manger, check the feed quality.
(3)增设水锅或水槽盖 配种期和收茸期要及时增设水锅盖或水槽盖,严禁喘息鹿饮水;产仔哺乳期仔鹿圈水锅应离地面较近,并设在干燥而又惊动较小的运动场上部。
(3) the addition of water, cover the pot or sink breeding period and to receive timely antler additional water tank lid or cover, non-breathing deer drinking water; calving lactating Fawn Circle pot of water to be closer to the ground, and set in a dry yet disturb a smaller stadium top.
(4)国舍卫生和安全管理 每天都要适时清扫地面,及时拣出鹿舍内的铁丝头、钉子、绳头、麻袋片和塑料膜等异物,保持环境卫生。注意灭鼠、灭蝇。出人闩好门栓。每天饲喂后、下班之前应细致巡视检查一遍,防火、防盗、防跑鹿。做好夜班警卫或值班人员的交接班工作。
(4) country house health and safety management to be timely daily cleaning floor, promptly picked discounted deer head wire, nails, rope, sacks and plastic film foreign matter, maintain environmental hygiene. Note rodent, fly disinfestation. The good people latch bolt. After feeding every day, before work should be carefully checked again patrol, fire, theft, anti-running deer. Do shift work or night watchman on duty personnel.
4.建造观鹿台 在鹿场大墙外建观鹿台(亭),或在鹿场门口里侧的非生产区建观赏鹿(育成鹿及年轻公、母鹿川、区;建立鹿场和鹿业队双重门卫及来人登记制度。
4. View Lutai deer farm built in large wall built View Lutai (kiosks), or in non-production areas where deer farm gate side built to watch deer (deer and rearing the young public, doe Sichuan region; establishing deer and deer and guard double teams come to the registration system.
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