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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-06-29 15:13:42
1 .煎煮《 指新鲜鹿胎)先用开水浇烫胎儿,摘除胎儿的被毛,用清水洗净放人锅内煎煮。待胎儿肉骨分离,煎煮胎儿的水(称胎浆)剩4 千克左右(胎儿大小不同其剩下的水也不同)时停止煎煮。将骨肉捞出,用纱布过滤胎浆,将胎浆放于通风阴凉处,低温保存备用。 
1 . Boiling "means fresh Deer) first with open irrigated hot fetus, the fetus removed coat, put the pot with boiling water wash. Stop boiling until the fetus meaty bones separated fetal boiling water (called fetal plasma) left about four kilograms (fetal different sizes of its remaining water is different) time. Remove the flesh, with gauze filter fetal plasma, fetal plasma will put in the shade, cold storage backup.
2 .烘干将捞出的骨肉分别放人烘干箱内(箱内温度80 ℃ 左右)烘干(也可放人锅内用文火焙干),头骨和长轴骨可砸碎后再烘干,直至骨肉均已酥黄纯干。
2 . Drying the fish flesh were released drying chamber (the inside temperature about 80 ℃) drying (also put the pot with a gentle heat for drying), the long axis of the skull and bone can be smashed after drying, until crisp yellow flesh are pure dry. 
3 .粉碎将纯干的骨肉粉碎成80 一100 目的鹿胎粉(加工干的鹿胎可直接粉碎),称重后保存。
3. Pure dry pulverized flesh crushed into 80 to 100 mesh powder Deer (Deer dry machining can be directly crushed), weighed save. 
4 .熬膏先将煮胎的原浆人锅煮,放人胎粉,搅拌均匀,再按胎粉与红糖1.0 比1.5 的比例加人红糖,拌匀,用文火煎熬浓缩,不断搅拌,熬至呈牵缕状不沾手时即可出锅。倒人抹有豆油的方瓷盘内,置于阴凉处,冷却硬固后即成为鹿胎膏。生后3 日龄内夭折的仔鹿熬成膏,称为乳鹿膏(一般统称鹿胎膏)。其制法基本同上。首先,为了容易去掉被毛,在仔鹿蹄部切一小口,通过该孔向胎儿皮下充气,膨胀后结扎切口,而后置于70 ℃ 左右的水中浸烫,取出后刮净被毛。将其分割成几大块,放人锅内,加水煮至骨肉分离,捞出烘干,碾成细粉,煮胎原浆保存备用。熬膏时将原浆烧开,徐徐加人胎粉,并按胎粉与红糖1 比3 的比例加人红糖,不断搅拌,熬成膏状,倒人事先抹有豆油的瓷盘内,冷凝后即成为乳鹿膏。鹿胎膏也有加人某些中药后制成的。
4. Aogao first tire puree cooked pot of people, put people tire powder, stir, then tire powder and brown sugar ratio of 1.0 to 1.5, the addition of brown sugar, mix well, concentrated suffering with slow fire, stirring constantly, boil was It can pan pull strand left the time. Pour in the soybean oil has wiped square plates, placed in the shade, cooling hardens after becoming Deer cream. 3 days after birth died of boiled cream young deer, deer called milk cream (generally referred to Deer cream). Same as above their preparation. First, in order to easily remove hair, cut a small hole in Fawn hoof, subcutaneous inflator to the fetus through the hole, after expansion ligation incision, and then placed in the water about 70 ℃ scalding, remove shaved hair. It is divided into several large pieces, put the pot, add boiling water to family separation, remove drying, crushed into fine powder, and cook puree save spare tire. When Aogao will puree to boil, slowly add human fetal flour, brown sugar and press the tire powder and 1 to 3 ratio of added brown sugar, stirring constantly, boil into a paste, pour in the soybean oil have previously wipe dishes, condensed It was turned into a deer milk cream. Deer cream are also added after some traditional Chinese medicine made. 
Quality Deer cream color should be black and elastic, smooth section without lanugo, not moldy. 

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