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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-07-08 14:50:15
First, the state-run economy deer industry
It includes state-owned deer farm, farm, forest of deer farms. China is owned breeding industry, its land, grassland, forest, deer, machinery equipment and other means of production and property owned by the state, its production and construction activities subject to national unity plan, funding needs and profits turned over or retained all in accordance with national policies. General wage level according to the national system of unified regulations wage workers. Usually with the more advanced technology and equipment, large production scale, strong production levels, then strong production capacity, it is to bring support and several other forms of economic backbone.
However, as China's further economic development of the reform and opening up, the economic management system exposed many problems, especially within the enterprise management behind the enterprise is lack of market competitiveness, a loss phenomenon. From years of experience, state-run deer, should be under the leadership of national unity, unified planning guidance, to expand the autonomy of enterprises, the implementation of economic responsibility and economic interests combined with emphasis on economic results, establish and improve various production responsibilities system, implement the principle of "distribution according to work", and effectively change the "eat mess", "iron rice bowl" phenomenon, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses of workers, take advantage of the state-owned economy, the country has made greater contributions.
Second, the collective economy deer industry
Deer Farming collective economy is an integral part of China's socialist public economy deer industry economy, especially in pastoral areas account for a large advantage. It is the nature of collective ownership, collective management for all its production and labor ownership and control over the implementation of independent accounting, self-financing, direct organization of production and distribution of income, fully embodies the "distribution according to work" principle, so that the increase personal income and improve the collective economy closely together, so that the producers concerned about the collective development of production from own material interests, and fully mobilize the producers efforts to develop incentive to work, is a major advantage of the collective economy in form. However, because of its limited financial resources, the technical level is not high, then it is limited production capacity. Collective Deer each region should be based on local natural conditions, rationalize production, give full play to regional strengths, learn advanced technology, is still the deer industry in China an important part.
Economic, and individual Deer Industry
Individual deer industry is a major part of the modern economy deer industry from the point of view of ownership, it belongs to individual ownership, with state-owned, collective economy there is a close link. In recent years, due to improved policies and relax, all regions have emerged a number of professional deer households, it can be all his labor are put into production, it is necessary to mobilize the production enthusiasm of the masses, but also played a producer of technical expertise improve labor productivity levels, and promote the development of the deer industry, it proved that the individual dynamic economy, is a form of indispensable socialist economy. We should vigorously develop economic production role of this form.

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