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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-07-13 11:46:51
There are two methods purebred breeding and hybridization breeding method Deer breeding methods. Hybrid breeding method is based on pure fan-based rapid primary method Deer substantial increase in productivity, should vigorously. 
1. Thoroughbred Breeding Thoroughbred Breeding Deer law refers to the deer, red deer, etc. The breeding varieties to improve breeding methods. Since the founding, especially in the last decade, artificial breeding became Shuangyang deer, Sika Tarim red deer and three species and deer Changbai Mountain, Tianshan Malu Qing two original strains strains. In key state-owned deer breeding nucleus formation, swop between deer species of deer, relatives were updated, refined velvet antler yield than the early days of 400 g increase more than doubled, while the survival rate of reproduction than in the past more than 10%, to 80 %about. 
2. Hybrid breeding law of different varieties, strains and types of public doe for mating, breeding breeding methods. Aimed at obtaining high yield offspring, and then enter through backcross hybrids, level, horizontal cross-bred a new strain, type, species 2-3 hybrids between. The past 30 years, dozens of typical state-owned and collective deer deer Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Sichuan, Shanghai, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Guangdong, Henan, Shanxi and other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, it has launched a deer and Northeast Northeast red deer, red deer northeast wapiti and Tianshan, Tianshan deer and red deer, wapiti and Tianshan Tarim red deer, sika deer and red deer in Qinghai, Tarim red deer and sika deer, sika deer and Tianshan red deer, white-lipped deer and between sika deer, white-lipped deer and red deer, sambar and sika deer, red deer and northeast Shuangyang deer, red deer and Northeast Altai wapiti, Altai and Tianshan wapiti red deer and other species, hybridization between subspecies. Most deer antler obtained production, meat production, viability, disease resistance, fecundity significantly improved hybrid seed. Among them, the better to adhere to hybridize sika deer and red deer in the Northeast, a long time, large-scale economic benefit; and the effect is more significant in the northeast wapiti and Tianshan red deer hybrids, although a late start, but the development fast, now is continuing the progressive generation hybrid hybrids, second generation hybrid transverse to the direction of the development of cross-breeding.
3. Introduction and endemic Yu introduction of means from abroad or foreign varieties introduced deer, strain or type of group, used to directly promote or as modified and the field of local species or group of species of deer type; acclimatization is the guidance of people deer species adapt to changes in the process of the new environmental conditions. Introduction and acclimatization are the main criteria of success: Deer is introduced to a new place in the new environmental conditions will not only survive, reproduction, normal growth and development, but also to maintain its original characteristics and basic genetic characteristics, even It produced some useful variation. The main characteristics of the fine, such as Xinjiang Tianshan red deer has been introduced in Liaoning province, Jilin, Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia (autonomous regions), although the first few years of poor breeding, however, adaptability, resistance to crude feed and other outstanding performance, not only in the later Velvet quantity exceeding the origin of nearly 50% of the deer and red deer fecundity was significantly higher than the Northeast, to their hair short, thin, color depth direction. Northeast deer lead to Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi and other provinces (autonomous regions), acclimatization is also very successful. Tarim red deer and reindeer, and in our country there is so far no introduction and acclimatization success stories. For successful introduction, according to the introduction of purpose, local natural conditions, weather factors, feed and feeding and management conditions, the introduction of species of deer degree of adaptation and disease, the correct choice of the introduction of deer species (including semen), you should choose healthy, unrelated, non-genital birth defects, in line with standard high-yielding species of deer or deer descent. In just super deer antler sawed shipment when it is better. For the introduced species of deer for a period of isolation, quarantine and strengthen management, adaptive domestication, acclimatization to achieve the goal as soon as possible.

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