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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-07-22 13:37:39
Doe calving period approaching, timely and correctly to be doe giving birth midwifery is to improve the survival rate of young deer, an important measure to increase economic efficiency, deer dystocia midwifery techniques will now be introduced to the friends. 
(A) giving birth to a correct diagnosis. Deer and horses, cattle, sheep is different is that deer do not make people close to dystocia diagnosis difficult. Only careful observation, empirically diagnosis. Deer normal delivery is: first the outer genitals exposed afterbirth, then afterbirth rupture, so-called water break. After breaking out of water genitals exposed fetus first two front feet, at the same time or later exposed fetal mouth, with doe force, the fetus is delivered quickly. In addition to the case: two front feet as I saw the mouth but not the fetus, the fetus saw the mouth but not two front feet or two long, one short forelimbs a big difference (wrist has a delivery to overcast outside, and the other one only see the hoof) this is dystocia, should immediately organize midwifery. Also, while the broken water, doe constantly force, but not see the fetal part, this is because the fetal head, limbs can not successfully enter the birth canal caused. Midwifery general should be organized within 3--4 hours after water break, long time easily lead to fetal death. In another case, see the genitals effluent waste, indicating that fetal death or decay, should immediately midwifery, and flush the uterus and injection of antibiotics with disinfectant. Tail bits, down production, normal childbirth. If the joint is delivered fly vulva, the fetus can not output, it should be organized midwifery. Of course, a long, one short two hind legs also is dystocia. 
(Ii) early midwifery. Midwifery such as fire fighting, can not wait. Early midwifery benefits are: the fetus is alive, which is what we need; doe not fatigue, not poisoning, delivery and strong; fetal fluid does not drain, the birth canal smooth, favorable midwifery. However, due to dystocia difficult to diagnose, it is luck, always wanted to wait and see the results of delay time to make midwifery fail. Therefore, once the diagnosis of dystocia, should immediately organize Midwifery, can not hesitate. 
(C) rapidly pull the fetal head. Deer species in dystocia, fetal dystocia about the displacement of more than 50%. More than 90% of fetal dystocia need to pull midwifery success. Because doe to pelvic size can accommodate the fetal head and two front legs, two forelegs must be returned rope tied midwifery fetal head is pulled out of the uterus, and then pull the fetal head. Unless large doe pelvic inlet, under the fetus is very small, midwife's hand is small, does not return the two front legs midwifery uterus can be successful, but this is rare. Pull out the fetal head have more than 90% of resorting midwifery rope (belt). Wearing rope midwifery need for skilled, due to the doe midwifery hands in the uterus after the "beep ancient hot, tight bar hoop, slippery slide grumble, slimy" feeling, wearing rope required midwifery finger evoked fetal ears, the midwifery rope pressure in the ear. In the fetus and uterus stick very tight, feeling sticky and slippery conditions, not easy to wear midwifery rope, skilled in the art also have a minute or so, with unskilled simply not on, thereby causing the death of Zilu mother died or is not uncommon. I recently developed a "deer midwifery Daitao hand", wearing yield tether can be completed within a few seconds. Midwifery fetal head and then pull the rope to pull the pelvis, forelimbs and then were pulled, pulled out of the carcass, midwifery success. 
Fetal output to quickly wipe its mouth, nasal mucus. In case of suspended animation, the fetus to be lifted two hind legs to make it down control, tapping the chest or head swinging, so that the airway mucus flow. Now Baoding midwifery practice anesthesia, you need to newborn deer intramuscular injection of 0.1 ml fetal awakening spirit, not more note, the fast fill.

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