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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-07-28 11:40:01
Antler growth in vivo by a variety of factors influence when these conditions are abnormal, normal growth and velvet will be affected, the formation of abnormal antler (strange angle). Velvet diverse range deformity, study its causes can be divided into the following types.
1. Genetic sacrifice Kawasaki-shaped due to genetic Velvet deer life can not grow in normal growth law standard shapes velvet. Such abnormalities include Velvet: Velvet parallel to the sides of the head extending outside "overtaking Velvet" trunk outward, backward bending "claw Velvet" Velvet body rather than flat as the palm branches "flat palm Velvet" only long trunk without branches of "independence quite Velvet" and so on. Such Velvet lifelong strange angle, and can be passed on to future generations. Where such long deer antler can not be used as a seed.
2. Nutritional Kawasaki shaped Velvet nutrition due to improper feeding and management, disease or physical trauma caused by excessive consumption and malnutrition, cause morbid Deer debilitating lack of support and formed Velvet. As Velvet body shriveled (thin strips), Velvet branches shoot (wear aces), Velvet body uneven thickness, Velvet branch meristem difficulties.
3. Kawasaki-shaped wound sacrifice Velvet antler is deformed due to external mechanical trauma directly affect the normal growth caused by the laws of velvet. This mechanical trauma affect some year long Velvet, Velvet long after some influence, even lifelong strange angle. Most of these malformations Velvet Velvet stubble is because the income is too low, the damage Jukou skew angle group, saw cut pollution purulent, so that off late wound healing, antler growing point is damaged, affecting the normal growth law; either because Velvet body, angular base, frontal trauma, wound from the Director of the unusual and gifted Velvet antler branches.
4. Lin Rong-shaped offerings aging is due to deer age, body aging, tissue regeneration diminished capacity, antler growth capacity decrease due to this type of deformity Velvet more common. Mainly in the off-hours are slow to heal, sealing is not correct, M. difficult, thin strips, wear aces, or branches bend, feeling of guilt. According to some statistics deer after deer antler nine saw growth capacity gradually decreased. 
Chemical stimulation In addition, the use of poor quality saw Velvet hemostatic caused damage testicles, atrophy and other reasons, can also produce abnormal antler.

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