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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-08-05 13:38:30
There are two methods purebred breeding and hybridization breeding method Deer breeding methods. Hybrid breeding method is based on pure fan-based rapid primary method Deer substantial increase in productivity, should vigorously.
1 .纯种选育法茸鹿的纯种选育是指以梅花鹿、马鹿等进行本品种繁殖选育提高的方法。建国以来,尤其是近十几年来,人工选育成了双阳梅花鹿、西丰梅花鹿和塔里木马鹿3 个品种和长白山梅花鹿、天山马鹿清原品系两个品系。在重点国营鹿场组建育种核心群,鹿场之间串换种鹿,进行亲缘更新,鹿茸成品茸单产比建国初期的400 克提高1 倍以上,而繁殖成活率比过去提高10 %以上,达到80 %左右。
1 . Thoroughbred Breeding Thoroughbred Breeding Deer law refers to the deer, red deer, etc. The breeding varieties to improve breeding methods. Since the founding, especially in the last decade, artificial breeding became Shuangyang deer, Sika Tarim red deer and three species and deer Changbai Mountain, Tianshan Malu Qing two original strains strains. In key state-owned deer breeding nucleus formation, swop between deer species of deer, relatives were updated, refined velvet antler yield than the early days of 400 g increase more than doubled, while the survival rate of reproduction than in the past more than 10%, to 80 %about.
2 .杂交选育法系采用不同品种、品系和类型的公母鹿进行交配、繁殖选育的方法。旨在获得高产的后代,进而通过回交、级进杂交、2 一3 代杂种间的横交育成新的品系、类型、品种。近30 年来,在吉林、辽宁、黑龙江、四川、上海、青海、新疆、广东、河南、山西等省、自治区、市的几十个典型国营鹿场及集体鹿场,曾先后开展了东北梅花鹿与东北马鹿、东北马鹿与天山马鹿、水鹿与天山马鹿、塔里木马鹿与天山马鹿、东北梅花鹿与青海马鹿、东北梅花鹿与塔里木马鹿、东北梅花鹿与天山马鹿、白唇鹿与东北梅花鹿、白唇鹿与马鹿、水鹿与东北梅花鹿、东北马鹿与双阳梅花鹿、东北马鹿与阿勒泰马鹿、天山马鹿与阿勒泰马鹿等种间、亚种间的杂交试验。多数鹿场获得了产茸量、产肉量、生活力、抗病力、繁殖力明显提高的杂种后裔。其中,坚持较好的为东北梅花鹿与东北马鹿的杂交,时间长,规模较大,经济效益明显;而效果更为显著的东北马鹿与天山马鹿的杂交,虽然起步较晚,但是发展快,现正在继续进行一代杂种的级进杂交、二代杂种的横交,向杂交育种方向发展。
2 . Hybrid breeding law of different varieties, strains and types of public doe for mating, breeding breeding methods. Aimed at obtaining high yield offspring, and then enter through backcross hybrids, level, horizontal cross-bred a new strain, type, species 2-3 hybrids between. The past 30 years, dozens of typical state-owned and collective deer deer Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Sichuan, Shanghai, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Guangdong, Henan, Shanxi and other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, it has launched a deer and Northeast Northeast red deer, red deer northeast wapiti and Tianshan, Tianshan deer and red deer, wapiti and Tianshan Tarim red deer, sika deer and red deer in Qinghai, Tarim red deer and sika deer, sika deer and Tianshan red deer, white-lipped deer and between sika deer, white-lipped deer and red deer, sambar and sika deer, red deer and northeast Shuangyang deer, red deer and Northeast Altai wapiti, Altai and Tianshan wapiti red deer and other species, hybridization between subspecies. Most deer antler obtained production, meat production, viability, disease resistance, fecundity significantly improved hybrid seed. Among them, the better to adhere to hybridize sika deer and red deer in the Northeast, a long time, large-scale economic benefit; and the effect is more significant in the northeast wapiti and Tianshan red deer hybrids, although a late start, but the development fast, now is continuing the progressive generation hybrid hybrids, second generation hybrid transverse to the direction of the development of cross-breeding.
3 .引种与风土驭化引种系指从国外或外地引人鹿的优良品种、品系或类型群,用来直接推广或作为改良当地及本场品种或类型群的种鹿;风土驯化则是指引人的鹿种适应新环境条件的变化过程。引种和风土驯化成功的主要标准是:茸鹿被引到新的地方,在新的环境条件下不但能生存、繁殖,正常的生长发育,而且能保持其原有的基本特征和遗传特性,甚至产生了某些有益的变异。如新疆天山马鹿先后被引人辽宁、吉林、黑龙江和内蒙古等省(自治区),虽然头几年繁殖较差,但是,适应性、耐粗饲等主要优良特征表现突出,后来不仅在产茸量方面超过原产地鹿近50 % ,而且繁殖力已明显高于东北马鹿,其茸毛向短、稀、色深方向发展。东北梅花鹿引至广东、广西、江西等省(自治区),风土驯化也很成功。而驯鹿和塔里木马鹿在我国至今未见有引种和风土驯化成功的报道。为了引种成功,要根据引种的目的、当地的自然条件、气象因素、饲料和饲养管理条件、引人种鹿的适应程度和疫情,正确选择引人的鹿种(包括精液),应选择健康、无亲缘关系、无生殖生理缺陷、符合种鹿标准的高产鹿或其后裔。特级种鹿以刚锯下茸时就起运为佳。对于引入的种鹿要隔离一段时间,进行检疫并加强饲养管理,进行适应性驯化,以尽快达到风土驯化的目的。
3. Introduction and endemic Yu introduction of means from abroad or foreign varieties introduced deer, strain or type of group, used to directly promote or as modified and the field of local species or group of species of deer type; acclimatization is the guidance of people deer species adapt to changes in the process of the new environmental conditions. Introduction and acclimatization are the main criteria of success: Deer is introduced to a new place in the new environmental conditions will not only survive, reproduction, normal growth and development, but also to maintain its original characteristics and basic genetic characteristics, even It produced some useful variation. The main characteristics of the fine, such as Xinjiang Tianshan red deer has been introduced in Liaoning province, Jilin, Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia (autonomous regions), although the first few years of poor breeding, however, adaptability, resistance to crude feed and other outstanding performance, not only in the later Velvet quantity exceeding the origin of nearly 50% of the deer and red deer fecundity was significantly higher than the Northeast, to their hair short, thin, color depth direction. Northeast deer lead to Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi and other provinces (autonomous regions), acclimatization is also very successful. Tarim red deer and reindeer, and in our country there is so far no introduction and acclimatization success stories. For successful introduction, according to the introduction of purpose, local natural conditions, weather factors, feed and feeding and management conditions, the introduction of species of deer degree of adaptation and disease, the correct choice of the introduction of deer species (including semen), you should choose healthy, unrelated, non-genital birth defects, in line with standard high-yielding species of deer or deer descent. In just super deer antler sawed shipment when it is better. For the introduced species of deer for a period of isolation, quarantine and strengthen management, adaptive domestication, acclimatization to achieve the goal as soon as possible.

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