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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-08-11 11:24:04
Ecological habits of deer knowledge
A, deer morphological characteristics:
梅花鹿为中型鹿。体长1.3-1.5米,肩高0.85-1.0米,尾长约0.2米,体重80-130公斤。体为棕红色,有白色斑点,酷似 梅花而得名,头略圆,颜面部较长,鼻端裸露,眼大而圆,眶下腺呈裂状,泪窝明显,耳大直立。颈细长,躯干适中。四肢细长,主蹄狭尖,侧啼小。尾短。臀部有明显的白色块斑。体毛棕色,夏毛较鲜艳,白色梅花斑明显,冬毛略比夏毛深,有绒毛,但无白色斑点,有的仅隐约看到。
For medium-sized sika deer. 1.3-1.5 meters in length, 0.85 to 1.0 meters tall at the shoulder, tail length of about 0.2 meters and weighing 80-130 kg. Body is reddish brown with white spots, like plum named head slightly rounded, long facial, bare nose, large round eyes, infraorbital gland was crack-like, tear fossa obvious, large ears erect. Slender neck, torso moderate. Limbs slender, the main hoofs narrow tip, side small cry. Short tail. Buttocks obvious white block spot. Brown hair, summer hair more vibrant, white plum spot obvious, slightly lower than the winter hair summer hair dark, plush, but no white spots, some only vaguely see.
Only male angular, a total of four forks, fork eyebrow obliquely forward, and the trunk was an obtuse angle, the second branch bit higher, it is often mistaken for it without a second branch, at the end of the trunk into two sprigs. Cub body color more vivid, and the dorsal side with dense white spots.
B, deer species:
There are 10 subspecies of deer. There are species of south China, northeast subspecies, species of the mountain West, Sichuan Subspecies.
C, deer habits:
1, the deer is like a cluster of animals, ranging from two dozens of heads per group. However, with the different seasons, the structure of the group changed during the breeding season, a combination of herd by a knot strong adult bucks 1-10 long adult female deer, a number of sub-adult and fawn composition, called "breeding group "; 5 - July, the deer calving season, to the provision of labor Bucks quiet shelter stray litter. Then comes the mother deer living or with other groups combined, sometimes as many as dozens of heads. It is known as the "mother group." Several non-breeding season the head is completely adult bucks or small group composed of adult female deer, called "stag group" and "female deer."
2, mainly in the morning and dusk deer, not far away from the water more and more food lingered, the scope of activities of about 5-15km.
D, deer feeding habits:
梅花鹿为纯植食性动物,采食各种草本植物、乔 木和灌木的叶、芽、嫩枝。
Deer pure herbivores, eating a variety of herbs, trees and shrubs Joe leaves, buds, twigs.
E, deer breeding characteristics:
Deer seasonal estrus animals. Each fall rut, from October to November is the mating peak. In this case, they appear restlessness, loss of appetite, especially bucks, sexual fierce combative, if present in two or more adult deer stag, fierce battle will occur, the result is not a lose-lose, is strong to the weak rush outside the group. Until after the mating season, slowly returned to normal. 7.5-8 months of pregnancy, each fetus 1 Aberdeen, Aberdeen 2 very few. In less than 3 months old fawn weight the fastest, and then gradually decreased.

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