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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-08-12 11:35:18
We all know that deer body is a treasure, so how good deer breed offspring, scientific breeding doe is particularly important. Feeding doe doe purpose is to require a higher fecundity, a healthy physique, excellent breeding offspring. Doe can breed excellent offspring, not only with doe breeds, but also has a very close relationship with the feeding and management, good husbandry to make doe play its excellent performance.
Doe feeding according to breeding, pregnancy and lactation to scientific management doe!
1.配种期:一般为9月中旬至11月中旬:在配种前应先调整鹿群,将不育、有恶癖、年龄过大或有严重疾病的母鹿予以淘汰。按品种血缘关系、年龄及体质健康状况进行组群,可分核心群、一般繁殖群、初配母鹿群。每个配种鹿群一般以25-30只为宜。 配种期母鹿的饲养管理水平,对加快配种进度和提高母鹿怀胎率有着重要的影响。配种期母鹿日粮应因地制宜,以容积较大的粗料与多汁饲料为主,精料为辅。精料主要是豆饼、玉米、高粱等。母鹿日喂精料量1.0-1.2千克,粗料2.5-3.5千克,食盐18克,磷酸氢钙15-20克,微量元素、维生素要根据所用的品牌说明适当添加。
1. The breeding period: Usually from mid September to mid November: Adjust the breeding herd should be preceded by the infertility, there are cribbing, too old or have a serious illness doe to be eliminated. Kinship by species, age and physical health status of the group, the core group can be divided into general breeding colony, beginning with doe group. Each breeding deer generally appropriate only 25-30. Raising the level of management of breeding doe, to accelerate progress and improve breeding doe pregnancy rate has an important influence. Breeding of doe diet should be adapted to local conditions, to a large volume of coarse material and succulent feed mainly concentrate supplement. Concentrate mainly soybean, maize, sorghum and the like. Doe day feeding fine quantity of 1.0-1.2 kg of coarse material 2.5-3.5 kg of salt 18 grams, 15-20 grams of calcium hydrogen phosphate, trace elements, vitamins be described depending on the brand appropriately added.
 2.妊娠期:11月下旬至翌年4月下旬:母鹿妊娠期一般为7个半月(225-234天),主要是指当年12月至第2年的4月份。母鹿妊娠前期和中期胎儿生长发育较为缓慢,而到后期胎儿生长发育非常快,母体子宫及乳腺也随之增大。胎儿80%以上的体重是在妊娠期最后3个月内增长的。到妊娠后期,在饲养中要根据胎儿生长发育的不同阶段的特点来调配日粮。特别到妊娠后期母鹿胃容量逐渐变小,消化机能减弱,母鹿的日粮应选择体积小、质量好、适口性强的饲料。精料中豆饼等蛋白质饲料应占30-35%,玉米、高粱、麸子等占50-70%。妊娠母鹿的粗饲料日供给量为粉碎玉米秸秆2.5-3.0千克。有条件可饲喂青贮料,要切忌酸度过高,以防流产。 妊娠母鹿白天饲喂2-3次精粗饲料,如白天喂2次,在夜间应补饲1次粗料。为了增强母鹿体质,每天要定时让其运动1小时,鹿舍应采光良好,畜床上要经常垫10厘米厚的干草。畜舍及运动场经常打扫,定期进行药物消毒,加强妊娠母鹿的调教驯化。注意稳群,以防流产事故发生。
 2. Pregnancy: late November to late April the following year: doe pregnancy is generally 7.5 months (225-234 days), mainly refers to December of that year to the second year in April. Doe early and mid pregnancy fetal growth is slow, and late fetal growth is very fast, the mother's womb and breast increases. Fetal weight is more than 80% in the last three months of pregnancy growth. To late pregnancy, in rearing according to the different stages of fetal growth characteristics to the deployment of the diet. Especially during late pregnancy to doe becomes smaller stomach capacity, reduced digestive function, doe's diet should choose small, good quality and palatability of the feed. Concentrated feed soybean meal and other feed should account for 30-35% protein, corn, sorghum, wheat bran and other accounts for 50-70%. Roughage daily supply of pregnancy doe was crushed corn stalks 2.5-3.0 kg. Conditions can be fed silage, to avoid excessive acidity to prevent miscarriage. Pregnant doe feeding 2-3 times a day forage to concentrate feed, such as during the day to feed twice, once at night should be feeding coarse material. In order to enhance physical fitness doe, let regular day to 1 hour, deer house should be well-lit, livestock bedding often cushion 10 cm thick hay. Barn playground and cleaned regularly, regular disinfection drugs, strengthen pregnancy doe tune domesticated. Note steady base, to prevent miscarriage accidents.
3. lactation: lactation doe feeding and management: doe lambing from early May to late August weaning, lactation period is 90 days. Fawn was born a month after the increase weighs 6 kilograms, an average of about 500 grams daily gain. Lactating doe need to absorb large amounts of protein, fat, vitamins and minerals and water from the feed every day, in the body into the milk. Doe after birth, rumen volume increases, gastrointestinal enhance digestion. Therefore, doe lactation feed intake during pregnancy is higher than the water demand is large, the quantity and quality of supply of feed corresponding increase and improve. Concentrated feed lactating doe to account for 65-75% protein feed, roughage fed 2-3 times a day, three times a concentrate, supplement 1 night coarse material.
 Summer doe homes should pay special attention to keep clean, avoid harmful microbial contamination doe and breast milk, causing Fawn disorders. Feeding deer house staff to regularly clean and disinfect spray drugs. Timely Mother Fawn be tuned and domestication of fear, panic, and easy fried doe and young deer population should not be forced displacement, docile doe needed to guide when necessary.
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