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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-08-16 10:53:32
由于中毒性疾病病程短促 ,如不及时采取有效方法救治,将遭致大批死亡,造成巨大经济损失。因此,在发生中毒时要争分夺秒,在确定中毒性质同时,及时采取各种特效药物处 理,要点如下:
Because of the short duration of toxic diseases, such as do not take timely and effective treatment method will be stricken large number of deaths, causing huge economic losses. Therefore, in the event of poisoning to race against time, and time to take a variety of effects of drug treatment in determining the nature of the poisoning, the main points are as follows:
[中和药物] 如石灰水的中毒可应用食醋、稀盐酸中和解毒;相反,酸中毒则使用稀碱水解毒。
[And drugs] can be applied, such as lime poisoning vinegar, dilute hydrochloric acid and detoxification; on the contrary, acidosis using dilute alkaline detoxification.
[应用下泻剂] 目的在于排除胃肠内毒物,但当毒物为腐蚀剂时则禁用,以防消化道发 生穿孔。下泻剂通常不用油类,因许多毒物能溶解于油脂内。一般系用盐类泻剂如硫酸钠或 硫酸镁,成年鹿(120一l 50k8计)可用200-3008,一次内服。在鹿中毒时,根据其生理解剖特点,通常不用催吐剂与洗胃方法。
[Application under cathartic] aims to exclude the gastrointestinal poison, but poison when etchant is disabled to prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal perforation. Under laxatives is usually not oil, because many poisons can be dissolved in the oil. General Department with laxatives such as sodium or magnesium salts, adult deer (120 l 50k8 a meter) 200-3008 is available, once orally. When deer poisoning, according to its physiological and anatomical characteristics, usually without emetics and lavage methods.
保护胃肠粘膜;在一些毒物经消化道进入时,可灌服麦粉、米粉调制成的糊剂以防止毒物的吸收和保护胃肠粘膜不受损害;也可给与木炭末、药用炭以吸附毒物。用药后不久再给 予盐类泻剂,以促进吸附的毒物的迅速排出。
Protect the gastrointestinal mucosa; when some of the poison enters through the digestive tract, can be fed flour, rice flour to prepare a paste to prevent poison absorption and protect the gastrointestinal mucosa from damage; also be given at the end of charcoal, medicinal charcoal to adsorption poison. Shortly after treatment to give salt laxatives to promote rapid discharge of adsorbed poisons.
[稀释毒物] 静脉内注入大量生理盐水或低渗葡萄糖溶液以减低侵入体内的毒物的浓度;对于体格比较强壮的中毒患鹿,还可先以静脉放血数百m1后,再注入上述药液。
[Diluted poison] injected a large amount hypotonic saline or glucose solution intravenously to reduce the concentration of poisons invade the body; for relatively strong physical suffering poisoning deer, but also the first to phlebotomy hundreds of m1, and then injected into the liquid.
[特效药物处理] 有机磷中毒用解磷定,同时用硫酸阿托品;亚硝酸盐中毒静脉注射1-2%的美兰液,或用1%的甲苯胺液;氢氰酸中毒静脉注射亚硝酸钠或美兰液,同时静脉注 射10一20%的硫代硫酸钠液。砷、汞、铅等金属中毒:肌肉注射二巯基丙醇或二筑基丙磺酸 钠,同时静脉注射硫代硫酸钠。此外;还可用依地酸钠钙。
[Effects of drug treatment] with pralidoxime organophosphate poisoning, and atropine sulfate; intravenous nitrite poisoning 1-2% methylene blue solution or 1% toluidine liquid; hydrocyanic acid poisoning intravenous nitrite sodium or methylene blue solution, and intravenous injection of 10 to 20% sodium thiosulfate solution. Arsenic, mercury, lead, metal poisoning: intramuscular dimercaprol or di-sodium building propionic acid, and intravenous injection of sodium thiosulfate. In addition; edetate calcium can also be used.
通用解毒剂如活性炭两份、氧化镁一份、鞣酸一份,混合后内服。或甘草半斤、绿豆半斤,煎汤灌服。内服鸡蛋清、牛奶或豆浆等,对金属中毒,有解毒作用,亦可静脉注射10一20%硫 代硫酸钠溶液。
Two common antidote such as activated carbon, a magnesium oxide, a tannic acid, mixed orally. Or licorice half a catty, catty mung bean, decoction gavage. Oral egg, milk or soy milk, etc., metal poisoning, detoxification, can intravenous injection of 10 to 20% sodium thiosulfate solution.

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