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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-08-19 14:32:19
Deer and cattle, sheep, foot-and-mouth pigs, camel, there have been widely popular. The foot - and - mouth disease virus is especially sensitive. Spring summer two season, is conducive to the spread of foot and mouth disease virus and the enhancement of virulence, easy to make deer suffering from malignant type of foot and mouth disease, serious harm. The prevalence of young deer, almost all died in 10-12 days after infection. Sick animals with urine, feces, milk and saliva discharged virus caused by the spread of the disease. Which is the largest in saliva.
Deer foot and mouth disease prevention and treatment methods: deer foot and mouth disease diagnosis mainly according to the mouth, lips, tongue mucosa and hoof skin changes, combined with epidemiological, especially near any cattle, sheep or pigs sick etc. the preliminary diagnosis can be made. To prevent the incidence of foot and mouth disease is very important, deer usually in addition to do a good job in general disinfection and hygiene, in the surrounding a cattle, sheep or pigs, foot-and-mouth disease should be self blockade Luchang, strengthen the deer farm management, strict foreign staff sick admission, at the same time, the application of foot-and-mouth disease vaccine vaccination and prohibited by the ward of feed purchased. Deer foot and mouth disease should be immediately report to the relevant departments for isolation, isolated from diseased deer, and implements the treatment in isolation.
Because the disease can be transmitted to people, so it should also pay attention to personal protection. For isolation and treatment on the incidence of deer, deer disease digestible soft feed, to protect the oral and gastrointestinal mucosa, on the mouth, lips and tongue erosion or ulcer, usable 0.1% potassium permanganate solution irrigation and disinfection, and coated with iodine glycerin; the affected part of the skin and hoof is usually used 3% to 5% grams Liao forest or to su er wash, then coated with antibiotic ointment and dressing. In order to prevent complications, can be used 5% to 10% calcium chloride, calcium, calcium and glucose injection of 150 to 100 ml, 1 times a day. Application of penicillin 800 thousand unit muscle injection, 2 times a day, to control the infection.

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