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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-08-20 09:21:01
正仔鹿食性比较广泛,饲料来源 丰富。精饲料主要以豆类、麦类、玉米等为主。科学饲养仔鹿,才能获得较大的经济效益。在饲养过程中,由于饲料单一,饲料中钙、鳞不足或比例不当,仔鹿很容 易缺钙。原因长期喂缺乏钙、磷的饲料,饲料中钙、磷供应不足,不能满足机体需要。由于仔鹿生长迅速,对钙的需要量增加,因而出现仔鹿缺钙性营养不良、营养性骨纤维增生、佝偻病、软骨症等缺钙症的发生。
The deer is more extensive, and the feed is rich. Concentrate mainly on beans, wheat, corn, etc.. Scientific breeding of deer, in order to obtain greater economic benefits. In the feeding process, the single feed, feed calcium, inadequate or improper proportion scales, fawn calcium is easy. The reason for long term to feed the lack of calcium, phosphorus feed, feed calcium, phosphorus supply is insufficient, can not meet the needs of the body. Due to the rapid growth of the young deer, increase the demand for calcium. Therefore, there is young deer calcium malnutrition, nutrition of fibrous hyperplasia of bone, rickets, osteomalacia etc. calcium deficiency.
1, the incidence of the disease: the different degrees of walking, loss of appetite. According to professionals, the incidence was 36.16%. Newly diagnosed as muscle rheumatism, after application of salicylic acid preparations in the treatment of a course of invalid, application forms of vitamin D treatment, after 10 days of treatment, clinical symptoms quickly disappeared, fully restored to health and remarkable curative effect, the cure rate was 97.96%.
2, clinical symptoms: chronic cases, at the beginning of the disease suffering from deer mainly for retardation, spirit is depressed, loss of appetite, weakness of chewing, decrease rumination, indigestion, and then by the appearance of pica, suffering from deer addicted to eating lick walls and feeder and digestive disorders, emaciation. Suffer from reluctance of deer walking and standing, recumbency, forced standing and exercise performance in stressful, limb weakness, staggering walk, strong limbs arrested, but was obvious in the forelimb, individual suffering from deer can see to wrist bending standing, or to the wrist joint crawling, but the temperature is not high. With the development of the disease, the symptom is more apparent, limbs gradually deformed, limbs joint swelling, touch and pain, duration is long, muscular atrophy, serious weight loss, and fawn growth was significantly inhibited, legs weakness, unsteady gait, showing severe lameness.
3, laboratory examination: blood collection to do the laboratory tests of serum calcium, the results of serum calcium level of less than 10 mg /100 ml, alkaline phosphatase moderately elevated.
4. Diagnosis: the main basis for the diagnosis of the disease is the age, clinical symptoms, laboratory tests and application of salicylic acid preparation in the treatment of the disease is invalid. Combined with feeding management, to feed ratio were analyzed: young deer mainly fed dry corn straw, a small amount of oak leaves, feeding concentrate is soybean flour, corn flour and a small amount of salt, do not add bone meal and a variety of vitamins, inadequate feeding sunlight, amount of exercise not foot.
5, treatment: treatment mainly with vitamin D preparation, mixed in the feed, daily per head of young deer feeding Vidin calcium 6, concentrated cod liver oil 3 pills, mix concentrate to lick the feeding, young deer particularly like eating every day 2 times to 3 times, 1 week after the symptoms gradually ease, after 10 days of treatment, clinical symptoms quickly disappeared, fully restored to health. For some serious disease, deer use Vidin colloidal calcium with 5 ml, intramuscular injection, once a day, 5 days a course of treatment. Practice has proved that effect is good. In addition, in order to enhance the absorption of calcium, in order to promote the absorption of calcium salts, in the feeding process, as far as possible to increase the amount of outdoor sports.
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