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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-08-26 10:33:22
(A) gastrointestinal administration
1 .口服投药一般多为散剂、煎剂、溶液,有的可以直接拌在饲料里,让鹿自己采食,只要无特殊异味鹿都能采食。在大群投药时,要尽量拌匀、撒匀,防止强弱采食不均而引起中毒或达不到疗效。所以,在投药前最好停饲1 一2 次,将药混人鹿喜食的饲料中给予。易溶于水的药物如高锰酸钾等,可以放在饮水中让鹿饮用。
1 . Oral administration more generally for powders, decoction, solutions, some directly in the feed mix, let the deer feed themselves, as long as no special smell deer can feed. When large administration, to try to mix well, sprinkle evenly to prevent uneven feeding strength and cause poisoning or reach efficacy. Therefore, prior to administration to stop feeding the best one to two times the medicine mixed people eating deer feed in the administration. Water-soluble drugs such as potassium permanganate, etc., can be placed in the water to drink so that deer.
Artificial oral administration, must be carried out in the well Baoding. Soda bottles, medicine bottles rubber cast people filling, or tube input.
2 .直肠投药直肠投药的优点是,药物不经肝而直接吸收到血液中,不受小肠及消化酶的影响,吸收好,副作用少。投药前先进行温水灌肠,排除宿粪,然后用胶管将药液灌人直肠。如为了麻醉可灌水合氯醛溶液,为了清洁直肠软化内容物可灌钾肥皂水等。
2 . Advantages rectal administration are rectal administration, the drug is not absorbed directly by the liver and into the bloodstream from the small intestine and digestive enzyme, absorption, and less side effects. Former administration to be warm enema, fecal exclude places, then use the liquid filling hose rectum. As for irrigation anesthesia chloral hydrate solution, in order to soften the clean rectal contents can be fed potassium soap and the like.
3 .瘤胃内投药在瘤胃膨胀、瘤胃积食时,用套管针可直接进行瘤胃穿刺,并将药液注人到瘤胃内。这种方法能造成局部损伤,非紧急情况下不用。如瘤胃朦胀时,可在穿刺放气的同时注人30 %鱼石脂100 毫升或10 %来苏儿100 毫升。
3. Rumen administration in rumen expanding ruminal food plot, the needle cannula can be directly rumen puncture and liquid injected into the rumen. This method can cause local damage, non-emergency situations do not. Such as rumen deceive inflation, it can puncture deflated while injection of 30% ichthyol 100 ml or 10% Lysol children 100 ml.
(B) the intradermal and subcutaneous injection
The liquid injected into the subcutaneous tissue through the capillaries, lymphatic absorbed into the bloodstream, where easy to dissolve, and no strong irritating liquid vaccine, the vaccine can be injected subcutaneously.
Subcutaneous injection site usually selected on both sides of the neck, chest and abdomen move easily place skin side. For better domesticated deer, a small amount of liquid injection, metal syringes available inhalation liquid, quickly picks up the side of the deer skin, instantly injecting the liquid, when the deer has been the reaction of pain end note. Intradermal injection within the liquid injected into the dermal layer of skin, such as BCG injection in the tail on the inside of the skin.
( 三)肌肉注射
(C) intramuscular injection
肌肉内血管丰富,神经少,因此,有刺激性不宜皮下和静脉注射的药物均可肌肉注射。肌肉注射药物比静脉吸收慢,可持续发挥作用。对于驯化良好· 让产接近的鹿,同皮下注射方法一样,而且不用拈皮肤,注射更方便;对于凶悍不驯服的鹿则需在保定器过道内注射或保定注射。近几年使用国产麻醉枪保定鹿,效果不错,但因气囊充气费时费事,用的并不太多。很多鹿场用长杆注射器,即把金属注射器装在2 一3 米长的长杆上,注射时只要对准鹿身注射部位用力一捅即可。
Intramuscular rich in blood vessels, nerves less, therefore, should not be irritating subcutaneous and intravenous drugs can intramuscular injection. Intramuscular injection of intravenous drugs than the slow absorption, sustainable play. For Jean domestication good yield close to deer, like subcutaneous injection, and do not twist the skin, injecting more convenient; not for aggressive tame deer need injection or injection in Baoding Baoding device aisle. In recent years, the use of domestic tranquilizer gun Baoding deer, good results, but the airbag inflator time and effort, with not too much. Many deer pole with a syringe that is mounted on a metal syringe 2-3 meter long pole, as long as the alignment of deer body injection injection site can force a poke.
(四) 静脉注射
(Iv) intravenous injection
The liquid directly injected into the intravenous tube, with the systemic blood flow distribution. Fast-acting, effective fast, but also fast excretion. Deer in Baoding need intravenous conditions, mostly in the ear vein or jugular vein injection, local shearing, sterilization, injection of liquid slowly.
(V) intraperitoneal injection
Within intraperitoneal injection used for deer Fawn, Fawn, particularly in diarrhea, dehydration due to pneumonia, venous engorgement not, plus good skin astringent needle Fawn difficulties should by intraperitoneal administration of drugs such as glucose, Lingle's solution Wait. Optional injection site or in the right breast in front of the central portion Hin, slightly lift the hind legs, so that bowel forward, so that the needle is not easy to damage organs. Injection site requires thorough disinfection, liquid temperature and the same temperature.

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