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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-08-31 10:21:31
Tympany rumen fermentation due to the large number of feed intake, excessive fermentation in the rumen, and rapidly produce large amounts of gas gathering, rumen rapid expansion, the pressure increased, the expansion of the stomach, seriously affecting the heart and lung function in acute life-threatening one kind. It occurred in late spring, early summer.
一、病因:本病的病因有两种: 1、原发性瘤胃臌气主要是采食大量易发酵饲料,如大量精饲料、青草、萝卜叶、马铃薯叶、苜蓿、野豌豆等多汁易发酵饲料而引起瘤胃内气体产生和排出平衡严重失调而造成。 2、继发性瘤胃臌气见于前胃弛缓、食道梗塞等。另外,前胃运动衰弱和反刍机能减弱也可继发本病。 
One cause: the cause of this disease, there are two: 1, primary rumen tympany mainly feed large quantities of easily fermented feed, such as a large concentrated feed, grass, radish leaves, potato leaves, alfalfa, vetch and other juicy Yi fermented feed caused by the rumen gases and exhaust caused a serious imbalance in the balance. 2, secondary ruminal tympany seen before flaccid stomach, esophagus infarction and so on. In addition, weakness and gastric motility before ruminant miopragia also be secondary to the disease. 
Second, the symptoms: primary rumen tympany rapid onset, 15 minutes after the onset of food. Left abdomen began to swell, the upper back protruding, ruminant and belching stops. Palpation nervous stomach, leaving no indentation, percussion drum sound. Auscultation rumen peristalsis. Severe breathing difficulties deer disease, head and neck extended, tongue protruding, mouth breathing, salivation. Late disease ataxia, walking swaying, staggering, after the side and can not stand up, moaning, convulsions, and finally fell to the ground and died.
三、预防: 加强饲养管理,防止贪食过多幼嫩多汁的豆科牧草,尤其从舍饲转为放牧时,应多喂干草或粗饲料。精饲料的饲喂要少量多次进行,不能一次饲喂大量的精饲料。在对鹿进行麻醉处理时,尽可能在早晚进行,以防长时间麻醉引起鹿瘤胃臌胀。 
Third, prevention: strengthen management to prevent excessive bulimia tender juicy legume forage, especially from feeding into grazing, hay or feed should be more roughage. Concentrated feed fed to carry out a few times, not once fed large amounts of concentrated feed. In deer anesthesia treatment, as far as possible in the morning and evening, to prevent prolonged anesthesia caused by deer rumen distention. 
四、治疗:促使气体排出,制止瘤胃内容物发酵。 治疗本病应迅速排除瘤胃内气体,制止瘤胃内容物继续发酵,并恢复瘤胃的正常运动机能,必要时给予强心剂以改善心脏机能状态。为排气及制止发酵,可给予鱼石脂6~8克或福尔马林6~8毫升,以温水调服。对臌气严重鹿应进行放气处理,用套管针间断放气,以免腹压突然下降招致贫血虚脱。对症治疗的同时,可每日静注5葡萄糖生理盐水1000~2000毫升,以维持体内水分电解质的平衡。鹿基本恢复常态后两三天内应予以减食,不给精料,仅喂粗料及淡盐水,以后逐渐恢复正常饲喂。
Fourth, the treatment: to promote gas emissions, to stop the fermentation of rumen contents. Treatment of this disease should be promptly excluded rumen gas to stop rumen contents continue to ferment, and resume normal movement rumen function, if necessary, give the tonic to improve heart function status. For the exhaust and to stop fermentation, can give ichthyol 6 to 8 grams of formalin or 6-8 ml of warm water transfer service. For tympany severely deflated deer should be treated with a trocar bleed intermittently, so as not to lead to a sudden drop in abdominal pressure anemia collapse. While symptomatic treatment, a daily intravenous injection of 5% glucose saline 1000 to 2000 ml, in order to maintain the water balance in the body's electrolytes. After the deer should be returned to normal two or three days less food, not to concentrate only feed materials and crude salt water, then gradually returned to normal feeding.

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