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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-09-06 09:34:49
Brucellosis is a deer by the people due to brucellosis, zoonotic diseases. Since 1940 was first established, it occurs widely throughout the world, to the deer industry caused serious economic losses. In China, red deer and sika deer population prevalence of brucellosis type mainly sheep, bovine and swine three kinds, there are other atypical brucellosis in the herd is also popular.
1 流行病学鹿布氏杆菌病常呈地方性流行。鹿场内布氏杆菌病鹿是主要传染来源,当其它家畜发生本病时,如鹿与之频繁接触,也会引起传染。新发病鹿群,流产可发生于不同的胎次;在常发鹿群,流产多发生于初次妊娠鹿。病鹿的阴道分泌物、精液、流产的胎儿、胎盘和羊水内都含有大量的病菌,污染饲料、饮水及周同环境,经消化道、呼吸道、皮肤黏膜、眼角膜等传染给健康易感鹿。
Epidemiology deer often has brucellosis endemic. Brucellosis disease in the deer farm deer are the main source of infection, when the disease occurs when other domestic animals, such as deer with frequent contact, can also cause infection. New onset deer, abortion can occur at different parities; often made in deer, abortion occurred in the first pregnancy deer. Deer disease vaginal secretions, contain large amounts of bacteria in the semen, aborted fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid, contaminated feed, water and weeks with the environment, through the digestive tract, respiratory tract, skin and mucous membranes, corneas and other health infect susceptible deer .
2 临床症状布氏杆菌病呈慢性经过,初期症状不明显,日久可表现精神沉郁、食欲减退、逐渐消瘦、生长缓慢或停滞、淋巴结肿大;妊娠母鹿发生流产,流产胎儿大多数为死胎,阴道流出恶臭的脓性分泌物;公鹿出现阴囊下垂,一侧或两侧睾丸及附睾肿大,触有痛感,站立时后肢张开。病鹿有的出现关节肿大,飞节肿大,仔鹿可出现后肢麻痹,行走困难。
2 clinical symptoms of brucellosis was chronic, early symptoms is not obvious, the course of time may exhibit depression, loss of appetite, progressive weight loss, slow growth or stagnation, swollen lymph nodes; doe pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth most of aborted fetuses , vaginal discharge purulent malodorous; stag appeared pendulous scrotum, one or both testis and epididymis swelling, pain touch there, standing hind legs open. Some deer disease appear swollen joints, swollen hocks, hind limb paralysis can occur Fawn, difficulty walking.

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