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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-09-07 09:45:54
As the deer breeding industry, more and more tight, more and more people choose the deer breeding industry, the deer will need to keep a good professional knowledge, professional skills, in order to better keep a good deer! Then when the deer had hemorrhagic enteritis how it?
Deer hemorrhagic colitis is a hemolytic E. coli caused diarrhea, bloody diarrhea and sepsis is characterized by acute diarrheal diseases.
1 临床特征 发病鹿精神沉郁,离群呆立或卧地,体温升高到40~41℃,病初食欲减退或不食,渴欲明显增加,饮水量增多,有腹痛表现,腹泻,开始排稀软至水样粪便,后排脓血便,后期出现脱水症状,鼻镜干燥,呼吸心跳加快,角弓反张;仔鹿出现神经症状,表现惊恐,眼球突出,无目的地狂跑,有的头颈歪斜,原地转圈运动,有的站立前肢,共济失调,角膜混浊,可视粘膜发绀,一般于1~2d内死亡,病程稍长者可延至3~5d。
Clinical features deer onset depression, or lying outliers Dai Li, the temperature was raised to 40 ~ 41 ℃, early disease, loss of appetite or not eat, Keyu increased significantly, increased water intake, the performance of abdominal pain, diarrhea, began to row thin soft to watery, blood and pus in the back, the late symptoms of dehydration, nose dry, breathing rapid heartbeat, opisthotonos; Fawn neurological symptoms and panic, proptosis, Kuangpao aimlessly, and some head and neck askew, standing around in sports, some standing forelimb, ataxia, corneal opacity, visible mucous membranes cyanosis, usually in death within 1 ~ 2d, longer duration may be extended to 3 ~ 5d.
2 病理变化 皮下组织出血,有胶冻样水肿;腹腔积液,呈桔红色,并有恶臭;胃肠浆膜及粘膜上有点状或条状出血,粘膜层脱落,大网膜广泛出血;小肠内容物为暗红色;全身淋巴结肿大,尤以肠系膜淋巴结肿大更明显,切面湿润多汁,外观呈暗紫色。其他实质器官如心、肝、脾、肺、肾出血肿大,呈败血症变化,如肝肿大,表面有点状出血;心包液增多,心冠放心外膜有出血点和出血斑;肺脏有点状出血;肾脏有针尖大出血点,鹿脑组织充血、出血、水肿。
2 pathological changes in subcutaneous bleeding, jelly-like edema; ascites, was orange, and a stench; the upper gastrointestinal mucosa and serosa or strip a little bleeding, mucous layer off, omentum extensive bleeding; small intestine the contents of a dark red; lymphadenopathy, especially mesenteric lymph nodes more obvious, cut moist and juicy, the appearance of dark purple. Other solid organs such as heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney hemorrhage enlargement, changes were sepsis, such as hepatomegaly, surface a bit like bleeding; increased pericardial fluid, rest assured epicardial bleeding heart crown point and bleeding spots; a bit like the lungs bleeding; bleeding kidney needle points, deer brain tissue congestion, hemorrhage, edema.
3 防治
3 Prevention
3.1 预防 加强饲养管理和环境消毒,搞好卫生,不喂污染的饲料和饮水,少喂精料,保证粗饲料的供给。母鹿产仔前后要加强饲养管理,产房要清洁卫生、保温,乳房要保持干净。仔鹿断奶前后,要调配好饲料,应做到多样化、全价。特别注意补充维生素和微量元素等。在发病季节,可每日添加0.01%高锰酸钾1次,也可使用抗生素饲料添加剂及磺胺类药物预防本病。
3.1 Prevention strengthen management and environmental disinfection, improve health, do not feed contaminated feed and water, less feed concentrate, to ensure the supply of roughage. Doe before and after calving to strengthen management, delivery room to clean, heat, breast to keep clean. Fawn around weaning, to the deployment of a good feed, should be done to diversify the full price. Special Note added vitamins and trace elements. The onset of the season, the daily added 0.01% potassium permanganate 1, may also be used antibiotic feed additives and sulfa drugs to prevent the disease.
3.2 治疗 对发病鹿隔离治疗,可用磺胺脒拌料,每只每次5g,每日2次,连用7d,有很好的治疗效果。如口服效果不佳,也可采用新霉素、金霉素、庆大霉素等药物进行注射治疗。对重症病鹿,要同时注意止血、补糖、补液,保护胃肠粘膜,调整胃肠机能等对症治疗。 本病病原菌易产生耐药性,因此,为了提高预防和治疗效果,最好将分离菌作药敏试验,选择敏感药物进行治疗。
3.2 treatment on the incidence of deer isolation and treatment, available Sulfanilamide spices, per each 5g, 2 times a day, once every 7d, have a good therapeutic effect. Such as poor oral effects, may also neomycin, chlortetracycline, gentamicin and other drugs for injection. Severe disease of deer, we must also pay attention to stop the bleeding, carbohydrate supplement, rehydration, protect the gastrointestinal mucosa, adjust gastrointestinal function and other symptomatic treatment. The disease pathogen is easy to produce drug resistance, and therefore, in order to improve prevention and treatment, it is best to isolate drug sensitivity test, select sensitive drugs for treatment.

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