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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-09-08 11:04:14
I have two domestic velvet: blood spots and flakes, mainly when different parts of antler slice. The top portion of the blood is cut velvet piece, dark brown, dense waxy, shiny, best quality; flakes from the lower part of the cut velvet, white or slightly yellow.
Velvet accordance harvesting and processing methods vary, but generally it is divided into two kinds of saw Velvet and Hom Rong. Velvet saw the beginning of the age of three in Milwaukee. Velvet two bars can be harvested twice a year, 40-50 days-Velvet two bars (first crop Velvet) after the Ching Ming Festival, 50-60 days harvest renewable Velvet (Velvet Sancha) Postharvest. Sancha Velvet taken once a year, around late July. Deer Velvet is cut old, sick or dead deer deer antler bone button under the cover along with the brain is also divided into two bars, Sancha and other specifications.
Flower Velvet main branch (quite large) was cylindrical piles, and more with 1-2 branches. 1 person with branches, Xi said, "two bars", main stem length 14-20 cm kerf diameter of about 3 cm, about 3 cm from the kerf sanction branches, branch length 10-15 cm in diameter than the main branch slightly fine. Red-brown or brown skin, more smooth, the surface of red cloth with yellow or brown dense hair, upper dense. The lower part of the more sparse. Gray with a bifurcation between tendons, skin Velvet close. Light body, Jukou white, with fine honeycomb, no peripheral bone. Gas slightly fishy taste brackish. Who has two branches, the study said, "Sancha", main stem length 24-30 cm in diameter and not smaller circle, slightly bow-shaped, slightly back side, slightly pointed tip, the lower edge with longitudinal ribs and multiple projections lump (referred to as "bone beans"). Jukou more peripheral ossification, the center has bee eye, red-brown skin, thin and thick hair. Velvet is not the primary bifurcation cone, very slightly pointed, 15-30 cm long, 2-3 cm in diameter. Skin densely yellowish brown or grayish hairs Velvet, showing bone base multi-beans, Jukou significant section of bone. Regeneration Velvet its shape often saw two bar-shaped or 10-15 cm only very, very little is generally flat, under the rough on the fine, the upper edge with longitudinal ribs. Outer thin, hair is rough, heavy body, large kerf width round face, has been significantly basic ossification center was only a little bee eyes, no smell of fish.
Original velvet flower frame with very thick circular top plump, tender quality, fine bottom line hair, oily bright, color red, yellow, brown skin color red is preferred. Velvet slender body, the lower ribbed tendons, coarse hair, body weight quality time. Which saw Velvet learning to spend two bars for the gifted, Sancha optimum reproduction quality time Velvet, Velvet newborn most times. Velvet identify quality Laonen can stroking, hair is soft and tender person, who is just old; playing with your fingers or knock Velvet sticks, earn a tender tone, tone sand for the old. Deer Antler velvet thick than flowers, more branches, collateral by a study called "single door", two are called "Lotus", three are called "Sancha," four are called "quadrivial" or more many. Among them commodity lotus, Sancha, quadrivial based. East Malaysia Velvet "single door" quite large 25-27 cm long, about 3 cm in diameter. Skin gray and black, taupe or pale yellow hair, thin and light, tender quality, kerf surface skin thicker, dark gray, beige central, honeycomb pores, slightly fishy taste brackish.
"Lotus" quite large 16-33 cm long, the lower angled ribs, but the quality and not the old, small furry orofacial honeycomb hole slightly larger. "Sancha" skin color depth, quality older. "Quadrivial" hair thick and thin, with very lower part of the rib and muscle knots, the top branches more hairless, commonly known as "twisted head." Velvet cut the skull is thin, gray color, gray-brown hair. Simma Velvet big lot of round, top round flat mixed, 30-100 cm long. Surface edge, multi-shrink dry, long and curved branches, slender hair, gray or black color decisions. According mouth dark in color, common sound. Gas fishy, ​​salty taste. Deer Antler Velvet are full-bodied, lightweight, lower part of the rib muscle better. Velvet body dry, coarse hair insufficiency, heavy body, the lower ribs are angled quality time. Most body hair has dried off, which was white, pimple-like bump or bottom, inside gray, body weight has become ossification should be not be used for velvet antlers and medicine.

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