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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-09-19 09:57:24
Recently, many readers concerned about the current situation of deer, with or without risk, can make money, prospects and so on. Excerpts Mr. Zhao Shizhen Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Special insight as follows: 
1, although the situation Deer deer industry has not yet fully emerged from the shadows of the late 1990s, in the past, but the trend is very encouraging, mainly in: 
① North, South, Central China provinces County have purchased a large number of species of deer from the northeast every year. According to statistics of the Forestry Department of Jilin Province, Jilin Province officially a species of deer in 1998 and 1999, less than two years 50 000 -6 million. 
② supply and marketing channels being formed. Now the country is almost everywhere deer product dealers in the event, only Liaoning Xifeng, sika deer distribution of the two products accounting for about 1 / 4-1 / 3, deer product marketing-pei. 
③ Deer has expanded steadily and technology popularization deepening. For decades, research institutions only deer in Northeast China, universities, dozens of state-owned deer farm through various forms of training a large number of deer and technical personnel, they have become the backbone of Deer Industry. 30 years, through a variety of ways Deer published a large number of books and papers, won awards at all levels of government more than 100 scientific research. 
2, whether the risk rather Deer, deer or a risk, one of the risks from the market, the domestic market is still fragile, the international market situation unpredictable. Two deer risk of disease. We can not control the former, the latter can be controlled through scientific feeding and health and epidemic prevention. 
At the same time we should also see deer opportunities. First, with the development of national economy and people's living standards improve, deer products will become increasingly popular. The second is the development of modern high-tech, technology development will lead Deer. Third countries are adjusting the agricultural structure, from traditional agriculture to name, special, excellent, new agricultural inclined to Deer Industry Development provided an opportunity. 
3, Deer can make money, whether past, present or future, deer money is in the affirmative, but earn more and earn less of a problem. Of course, the deer is not fast track project, the one-time investment is large, such as building homes, introduction, etc., a dozen deer have to spend thousands of dollars, while the normal sale of velvet and Fawn profit, in general, give 3-4 years to return to this, relatively slow effect. But after the return of the deer is the "cash cow", "cornucopia" of the. Deer farmers because some feed and labor can regardless of the cost or low cost. As per annual production of three - branched velvet deer fresh weight of 2.5 kg, on a dry weight of 0.9 kg to 1999 kg per meter price of 2500 yuan, 2250 yuan to sell. Such as producing two bars of fresh and dried weight of 1.5 kg, the price per kilogram 1200-1300 yuan, it can sell 1800-1950 yuan. A doe litter, Fawn average price of 2,500 yuan / only. General account average net profit 1000-1500 yuan per deer. 
4, it should be said Deer Deer prospects promising, but fortunately rich resources of species of deer, sika deer or red deer regardless of introduction is not difficult. But I would advise my friends to pay attention to quality when the introduction of species of deer, deer are not cited low yield, the elderly and deer, especially should pay attention to the introduction from the hands of traffickers. In addition, China is rich in resources, feed, cattle eat feed deer can eat, plus deer adaptability, the country can support. With the improvement of people's living standards requires not only velvet, Lu Xue, deer and other health care items, but also venison, Lu Jin, deer tail and other delicacies. The problem is that we should continue to further strengthen the scientific research on deer, in high yield, low on fuss, expand publicity, so deer products into millions of households.

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