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山东梅花鹿养殖基地:收鹿茸的要求有那些 ?

文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-09-20 11:38:04
1.收茸的一般要求 一般3岁(头锯)梅花公鹿虽绝大部分能生长出 三杈型鹿茸,并比二杠型鹿茸增重40%~50%,但由于其年龄小,脱盘 晚,生茸期相对短,所生产的三杈型鹿茸一般都干瘦细小,达不到高 等级要求,价值也低,所以应收二杠型鹿茸。4岁(二锯)公鹿大部分可 收三杈型鹿茸,但对鹿茸干瘦细小者可收取二杠型鹿茸。5岁(三锯)以 上的公鹿基本达到体成熟,所生鹿茸粗大肥嫩,应收取三杈型鹿茸。 对于那些茸型不整、分枝不规则等非规则形状的鹿茸,应在枝杈顶端 饱满时收取畸形(怪角)茸。收获怪角茸时应防止“穿尖子”,骨化程 度过大。
General 1. Velvet received generally 3 years (first saw), although most of the plum Bucks can grow out of three branches of a tree-type velvet, velvet type and ratio of two bars weight gain of 40% to 50%, but because of its small age, off Night disc, antler relatively short period, the production of the three branches of a tree-type velvet skinny generally small, reach grade requirements, the value is low, so the two bars receivable type velvet. 4 years (two saws) to be received by the majority of the male deer antler three branches of a tree-type, but may charge a small velvet skinny type antler two bars. 5 years (three saws) to the Bucks basically reached maturation, born velvet thick juicy, should collect three - branched velvet type. For those velvet antler type is not sharp, irregular branching irregular shape, charge malformation (strange angle) when dried twigs should be full at the top. Velvet harvest strange angle should be to prevent "wear aces" ossification process too large. 
2.梅花鹿二杠砍茸要求:粗壮、肥嫩、虎口饱满、长短适宜,优 级茸干重(估重)不低于250g。
2. deer antler two bars cut requirements: thick, juicy, tiger's mouth full, appropriate length, superior grade Velvet dry weight (estimated weight) of not less than 250g. 
3.梅花鹿三杈砍茸要求:茸形规整对称,嘴头饱满肥嫩,挺圆, 优级茸干重不低于1750g。
3. The three branches of a tree cut deer antler requirements: Velvet regular symmetrical shape, nozzle head full juicy, very round, superior grade Velvet dry weight of not less than 1750g. 
4.马鹿(白唇鹿):一般以收三岔型鹿茸为主,但对于长势旺盛、 茸体粗大、茸形规整、肥嫩、嘴头粗壮的鹿茸也可收四岔型茸。
4. The red deer (white-lipped deer): generally the main income Sancha velvet type, but for growing strong, thick body Velvet, Velvet shaped structured, juicy, mouth head thick velvet type may also be closed quadrivial Velvet.
5. Sambar: The main charge two bars and three - branched velvet type. 

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