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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-09-21 11:07:55
鹿茸是药材,必须在骨化前的生长阶段收获。适期合理收茸是保 证鹿茸质量,提高养鹿经济效益的重要技术环节。鹿茸的生长速度和 成熟时间因鹿种、年龄、气候、营养状况及个体不同而异,鹿场应根据历年生产状况和自身条件灵活确定收茸期。在收茸期间,技术人员须每天定时观察鹿茸的生长状况,根据市场行情,确定每头公鹿的收茸日期。下面介绍几种茸的大致收获日期。
Velvet is medicine, it must be harvested before the ossification during the growth phase. Suitable Reasonable assurance is closed Velvet antler quality, enhance economic efficiency Deer important technical aspects. Antler growth and maturation time varies deer species, age, climate, and the nutritional status of individuals vary, deer antler of income should be flexible and determined based on historical production situation and their own conditions. During closing Velvet, technical personnel to carry out periodic status antler growth was observed daily, according to the market to determine the income per head Bucks Velvet date. Here are some approximate date of harvest Velvet. 
(A) Sawing Hartshorn 
成年公鹿生长的二杠茸,如主干和眉枝粗壮,长势良好,应适当延长生长期;对细条茸和幼龄公鹿长出的二杠茸,可早收。成年公鹿长出的三杈茸,如茸大形佳,上嘴肥嫩,应延长生长期,收大嘴三杈茸。对于顶沟长、掌状顶和其他类型的畸形茸,也可适当晚收。但对于茸根出现黄瓜钉、癞瓜皮的三杈茸 ,应早收。
Growth of adult male deer antler two bars, such as the trunk and branches thick eyebrows, growing well, should be appropriate to extend the growing season; on thin strips of dried and grow young stag antler two bars may close early. Adult male deer grow three - branched velvet, such as large Velvet good shape, the mouth juicy, should extend the growing season, closed mouth three - branched velvet. For the top channel length, palmate top Velvet and other types of malformations, may be appropriate to late harvest. But for the emergence of cucumber root Velvet nails, skin disease melons three branched velvet, should early harvest. 
(B) beheaded deer antler 
Velvet beheaded harvest time should be 2 to 3 days with the specifications than saw Velvet advance. Velvet should be beheaded two bars in the trunk stout, top fatness, trunk and branches eyebrow proportionate vigorous growth of fee. Beheaded three branches of a tree trunk in the upper part of thick velvet, the second main branch and side branch end plump juicy and proportionate, appropriate nozzle head charge period.
(Iii) saw red deer antler 
Adult red deer long three - branched velvet, head fat mouth, big furry good shape, you should try to close the mouth three - branched velvet, pulled to the top of the ditch before harvest. Head Saw, two saws and adult red deer antler appear thin strips thin rod who can not put too much head and mouth, to close as early as possible. Put four branches of a tree horse velvet, collateral in the fifth minute before his death, the mouth of thick head charged. 
(Iv) antler regeneration and early harvest angle Velvet 
在7月中旬前锯取头茬茸的公鹿,到8月中、下旬都长出不同高度的再生茸(二茬茸)。再生茸在配种前根据茸的高矮老嫩程度分期分批收取。 育种公鹿初角茸长出了3~5cm时,距角柄2.5cm以上锯去尖端,刺激茸的生长,使角基放粗,以提高以后的茸产量和质量。此种方法称为“墩基础”。
In mid-July saw the first crop Velvet Bucks take, to mid-August and late are grown at different heights regeneration Velvet (Velvet second crop). Velvet regeneration stages before mating height Laonen charged according to the degree of Velvet. Breeding Bucks early corner Velvet grow 3 ~ 5cm, the pitch angle of the handle to the tip of the saw more than 2.5cm, Velvet stimulate the growth of the corner group put crude in order to improve the yield and quality after Velvet. This method is called "pier foundation." 

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