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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-09-23 10:24:40
Deer corner that is the pharmacological effects of velvet antler of:
Ming Li's "Compendium of Materia Medica" has been recorded: velvet can "spermatogenic complement marrow, nourishing Yiyang, gluten bone health." Modern scientific studies further evidence that velvet antler adjust metabolism, anti-fatigue, promote the role of various physiological functions activity.
(一) 抗衰老作用
(A) anti-aging effects
现代医学研究证明,人在衰老过程中,机体内的单胺氧化酶(MAO)的活性升高,脂质过氧化作用加剧。而鹿茸中的次黄嘌呤、尿喀啶和 磷脂类等物质具有抑制MAO活性的功能;同时,鹿茸通过增强超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性和抑制脂质过氧化反应的作用,可以提高机体的抗氧化能力。所以,鹿茸有抗衰老、延年益寿的作用。
Modern medical studies have shown that people in the aging process, the body of monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity increased lipid peroxidation increase. The velvet hypoxanthine, urine Cameroon pyridine and phospholipids and other substances inhibit MAO activity function; the same time, by enhancing the velvet of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and inhibition of lipid peroxidation effect, can improve the body's antioxidant capacity. Therefore, the role of velvet anti-aging, longevity.
(二) 促进核酸和蛋白质合成的作用
(B) to promote the role of nucleic acid and protein synthesis 
Velvet polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and Jing An) is to promote the effective ingredient Fang acid and protein synthesis. Its mechanism of action is to stimulate the activity of nuclear RNA- polymerase Ⅱ. This may make the basis of biochemical pharmacology velvet has a strong effect.
(三) 强壮作用
(Iii) strong role
Velvet on the body has a variety of strong role, for example, anti-fatigue, anti-stress, promote the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins and enhance adrenal function, and promote wound healing fractures.
(四) 对心脏系统的影响
(Iv) the impact on the heart of the system
Large doses of the heart velvet inhibited, can reduce blood pressure, cardiac contraction amplitude becomes small, slow heart rate, peripheral vasodilatation; moderate doses can cause cardiac contractile function significantly enhanced contraction amplitude increases, heart rate, resulting in effort output increases, systolic and diastolic pressure were seen rising; Pantocrinum low dose had no significant effect on the heart of the system. Special velvet heart fatigue have been a significant effect on the uneven rhythm of isolated heart rhythm back to normal to make. 
(五) 对性机能的作用
Action (v) sexual function
Treatment of prostate atrophy velvet sexual dysfunction puberty and old age are strong and effective, the treatment of menopausal disorders effect is also good. Wang Xiang, etc. to aging mice fed with velvet blood extract, increase the aging serum testosterone concentrations in mice and one edge plasma luteinizing hormone concentrations increased, indicating a hormone-like effect of velvet.
(六) 其他作用
(F) other action
Velvet can enhance phagocytosis of reticular cortex system, indicating that the deer can promote cell immune function, but also improve serum agglutinin titers in mice, so that the antler can boost the immune function of body fluids. Velvet yet with enhanced gastric motility and secretion function, and promote appetite, enhance the diuretic effect, improve sleep, enhance memory capacity and so on. 

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