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山东梅花鹿养殖基地: 养鹿的销路怎么样?

文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-09-27 10:09:41
Deer situation is good, the industry continues to develop, keep deer long enduring. North deer tune, West deer East tone is still frequent. According to incomplete statistics, the northeastern region of sika deer per year no less than 50,000. Some people think that the state-owned deer farm in Jilin transition, that the deer industry is recession, the bad words carry on. Because part of the state deer farm deer (a very small number of all the deer) from the state-owned business to private business, is to focus on the score, only the change in business forms, deer number did not decrease.
Deer is characterized by: building homes, such as the introduction of a larger investment, 3-4 years to return to this, a longer period, the relative slow results. However, effective after mid-year will have a better income. In 1998 the deer at low tide. Spend three rights 13O0--160O yuan / kg, horse velvet 700-1000 yuan / kg, is the lowest level in recent years. Individuals raised a deer on average net profit 700 - 1000 yuan (low production deer, with the exception of death), with 2,000 yuan to support four deer, the annual production of 3 Aberdeen can sell 6,000 yuan, it seems that deer than cattle, Sheep, pig, chicken are cost-effective. This is also the reason for keeping high deer heat. 
But it should also be noted that there are still risks of deer, the main risk is still very limited velvet market, volatile. For example, this year's price rose, spent three velvet with a velvet 26O0 yuan / kg or so, blood velvet 29OO - 3400 yuan / kg, up more than 80% last year; deer this year 13O0--1600 yuan / kg, Up more than 60%. Well, this year's prices rose, next year will not fall, no one can say. Followed by the deer, deer resistance is very strong, the incidence is not easy, due to feed, feeding unscientific, health and epidemic prevention is not in place will be sick and death, resulting in losses. We can not do anything about the risk of the mall. The risk of death can be overcome. Risk and opportunity coexist, cautious fortune is not.

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