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山东梅花鹿养殖基地: 怎样养好幼鹿

文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-09-30 11:31:21
A good deer group must be constantly updated, the phasing out of production performance, poor genetic foundation, frail old deer, constantly add a lot of good deer, to make the quantity and quality of deer continue to increase. Therefore, in strengthening the breeding work at the same time, strengthen the feeding and management of young deer, deer industry on the development of important significance. Generally speaking, the breeding and management of young deer can be divided into breast-feeding young deer feeding and management of the feeding and management of weanling deer.
A、哺乳仔鹿的饲养管理:通常仔鹿出生时全身毛湿。除靠母鹿舐干外,必要时应采取人工辅助措施。如用抹布擦干湿毛,使仔鹿及早吃到母乳(初乳)。健康良好的仔鹿产出后0.5~1小时即能站起觅母乳。鹿乳的特点是水分少,干物质多,乳脂含量高,仔鹿少量吸吮即能满足。一般母鹿每隔3~4 小时喂乳一次,每次不过2~3分钟。
A, nursing suckling deer feeding and management: usually when the deer are born body hair wet. In addition to doe lick dry, if necessary, should take artificial measures. Such as dry with a rag wet hair, so that the early deer eat breast milk (colostrum). Healthy good deer output 0.5 to 1 hour after that can stand up to find breast milk. Deer milk is characterized by less water, dry matter, high fat content, a small amount of suckling that can meet. General deer every 3 to 4 hours to feed the milk once, but each time 2 to 3 minutes.
Breast feeding in the juvenile period, feeding and management personnel must pay attention to avoid the smell of things, such as alcohol, soap and other deer touched the deer, or the deer suspected of its smell and refused to feed.
Artificial lactation measures must be taken if the doe die or are unable to breastfeed or have insufficient milk after childbirth. Usually with milk or goat milk instead, because the fresh milk is better than milk powder, if the fresh milk is not easy to obtain, had to use milk powder, the brewed milk powder concentration must be slightly increased to meet the growth and development needs of young deer. Artificial lactation time, frequency and breast-feeding volume according to the deer's age, birth weight and development to decide. In the absence of experience standards, the amount of artificial breeding of young deer can refer to the amount of artificial breast-feeding calves. Artificial breastfeeding more stringent health requirements, we must insist on doing a good job of milk, milk with the disinfection, prevention of milk bacteria and rancidity. 1 to 2 months after delivery, often occurs a dramatic decline in the amount of lactation, so the breeding of young deer is to strengthen the feeding, the appropriate increase in high nutritional value of juicy feed, because the breeding of young deer in a large extent Depending on the quality of the milk obtained.
In fact, the young deer to 20 to 30 days to start looking for plant feed and can take some green grass leaves, this time should be artificial to add some good quality soft juicy green feed. But this time the source of nutrition is still the mother of deer breast milk. When the ear weight of 25 kg or so, they can weaning, transferred to artificial feeding.
B, pre-weaning domestication of young deer: Aberdeen deer about 20 days after birth began to eat some leaves in the protection column equipped with water tank, keeping the staff daily quantitative water, and the use of feeding whistles and other tuning domestication, deer affinity . Gradually separate the breeding of maternal deer. Will be adjacent to the middle of the middle of a two-door, the mother of all the first drive into one of these laps, and then set aside the other to lay the hind, the young deer left. At first the deer can be left in the deer circle 1 to 2, 4 to 5 days later, every morning and afternoon, all separated twice, the initial time for each 1 to 3 hours, then gradually extended, noon and evening will open the door, let the mother Aberdeen free activities, Aberdeen feeding. To increase the deer contact, feeding and water supply with a whistle, so that the deer and stable temperament. To appropriate feeding some feed, according to the time interval between the birth of Zale deer, to determine the feeding time, usually in late July to feed feed, do not feed some green juicy feed. Sorghum stir fry paste fragrant spices can be crushed, coupled with cooked corn, soybeans mix can be, the proportion of 10% of soybeans, feeding amount should be appropriate, from less to more, to weaning group before the daily 500 g. Green roughage to feed chopped.
C, post-weaning deer breeding: Aberdeen deer weaning is generally carried out before and after August 20, after weaning according to the deer's sex, physical strength, individual size, etc. into several small groups, feeding groups. Aberdeen circle should be set away from the deer pens where the hen can also be set aside, the deer stay in the original circle. 
The early weaning deer, due to a sudden departure from the doe, will tweet more than the state of mind, appetite are subject to great influence. Breeders to be more patient care, often call the deer, close to the deer, ease the deer of the anxiety and anxiety. Weaning group after the deer into the young deer pens, to gradually increase the amount of feed, not a feeding overdose. 
Aberdeen deer eat small, quick digestion, feeding more than half a month from the weaning can feed 4 to 5 times a night feeding a green roughage, and then gradually to feed 3 times and the period of the full price of dietary And nutrient levels. Milk deer from the concentrate to fine processing, soybeans, corn can be cooked, part of the corn flour into cornmeal, soybeans ground into soy milk, according to the proportion of mixing. At the same time coarse feed can be cast to green oak leaves, poplar leaves, green corn stalks, corn stalks to be chopped; drinking water to be clean and adequate. In addition to pay attention to the supply of minerals, feeding a variety of vitamins, selenium and other trace elements additives in the diet by adding salt, bone meal, to prevent rickets, cartilage disease.
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