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山东梅花鹿养殖基地: 母鹿怀孕期怎样推算

文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-10-06 10:46:33
Pregnant doe in early May began to litter, whether the normal calving and young deer after birth, whether a healthy and successful survival, is directly related to the development of deer and the economic benefits of deer, so grasp the number of days of the pregnancy of the doe And to calculate the date of farrow calving, do a good job of prenatal preparation, timely observation of the performance of prenatal and calving farrowing, postpartum deer child care do a good job, etc., is more important to do There are several. 
Velvet deer pregnancy length, and deer deer type and type, the number of fetal sex, doe age, feeding methods and nutrition and other factors. Sika deer of the pregnancy was 229 ± 6 days; pregnant lamb when 231 ± 5 days, 228 ± 6 days than the pregnant mother lambs average length of 3 days, when the twins were 224 ± 6 days, Short 5 days, the first and the deer of the first trimester of pregnancy shorter, older deer longer, but the first 1-10 tires between the number of days of pregnancy was not obvious. (F1 generation) was 225 ± 7 days, compared with the northeast sika deer and the sika deer of the southeast deer were 244 ± 7 days, the northeast sika deer's deer was 244 ± 7 days, The progeny (F1 generation) progeny of the northeast red deer hybridization was significantly less than that in the 240 ± 7 days (P <0.05). The F1 hybrid of the F1 hybrid was 218 ± 5 days, which was significantly less than 225 ± 7 days 7 days. 
It is not difficult to deduce the date of birth, as long as the breeding date of the record accurately, you can calculate the expected date of delivery. The prediction formula of expected date of sika deer is:
(1) by 5 months, plus 23, if the day after the value of more than 30, after 30, the day reduced by 30 months, the remaining number of litter number of days. For example: October 13 breeding of the doe, the expected date of the next year should be June [(10-5) +1] 6 [(13 +23) -30].
(2) the month by 4, by 12, or by 11 (pregnant lamb, or by 14 (pregnant mother lamb.) Red deer expected date of birth formula: month by 4, plus 1 (Northeast red deer) , Or day plus 2 (Tianshan red deer) .Using the above formula to calculate the expected date of birth rate of up to 90%.

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