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山东梅花鹿养殖基地: 梅花鹿的发情规律

文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-10-07 11:08:04
Mature sika deer sexual maturity is generally in the post-natal 16 months of age, the initial match age is 28 months of age. The bucks are 40 months old. Oestrus law has the following points:
Estrus: sika deer of normal estrus mating period is September 15 ~ November 15 two months, Mong period for September 25 ~ October 25 about a month. Throughout the estrus mating period, can experience 3 to 5 estrus cycle.
Estrus rate at the peak estrus: In the first estrus, the estrus peak of estrus rate of 11% to 15%. Due to geographical and climatic factors, the individual date of estrus mating date can be advanced or delayed 7 to 15 days.
Estrus cycle: in the estrus season, after a certain gap time 1 estrus phenomenon occurs, that is, the interval between two adjacent ovulation estrus cycle. Sika deer is generally 12 to 16 days. Health, age, body fat good estrous cycle is shorter, aging and body fat difference is slightly longer.
Estrus duration: The duration of the estrus is the period of time the doe lasts at each estrus. The time is divided into initial, peak and end. Among them, the peak refers to the sexual activity of hives and accept mating for some time. Sika deer estrus duration is generally 24 to 36 hours, estrus 11 to 12 hours into the peak period. Generally about 90% of the doe is in the heat of mating, the mating of the pregnancy rate of about 95%. At the beginning and end of estrus, doe generally refuse to mate. For the early allocation of deer with the old and the deer with the strong distribution, and to take advantage of the feed when the deer stole with feed, are not normal mating. 
Postpartum first estrus: deer generally 130 to 140 days. Individual 8 to 9 months, or even early October, the health of the healthy age of the doe deer, if the young deer dead or weaned, can still be in the November 15 before estrus, by allocation, pregnancy. 
Abnormal heat: sika deer intermittent 1 to 6 days of estrus, accounting for about 4%; a quiet state estrus (ie, recessive estrus), accounting for about 1%, more common in early breeding and early allocation of young doe; Estrus and post-pregnancy estrus.

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