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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-10-14 13:51:15
Deer is a wild animal, artificially reared deer, although after a certain domestication, but still retain its wild, unlike cattle, sheep, as easy to approach and can be free to touch. When humans are close to it is the body, the majority of rapid withdrawal, so to the daily management, epidemic prevention and medical treatment to bring some difficulties. Very few deer is a ferocious temper, a stranger, will take the initiative to attack, people accidental injury. Especially during the breeding period of the bucks and lactation in the doe. Of course, there are a few deer, people can not only close, and can ride. Deer of the wild can be used to change the domestication of the call, domesticated deer, with a certain signal, you can call that is to play that the go, the deer between the degree of affinity greatly increased.
But in order to deer sawing, inspection and medical treatment, or must have a feasible approach to approach, or take some Baoding method.
(1) Approach method
① close to the deer who first in the distance so that deer see, make it aware of. People close to the pace to be slow, should not suddenly appear in front of it, so as not to cause panic.
② in the breeding season and calving, breast-feeding period, prohibit unrelated personnel free access to deer farm. So as to avoid accidents.
③ into the deer field is best when the two together, take care of each other, and holding a small wooden stick to prevent deer suddenly attack.
④ When deer ears erected, looked up, nose open incitement and jet, be vigilant of its open attack. If you can not avoid, should waving wooden sticks, or supine on the ground, can avoid injury.
(2) Baoding method
In order to further contact with the deer body, the implementation of sawing, inspection of the body, medication or surgery, the need for deer Baoding.
① mechanical Baoding: in a certain size of the deer farm, usually in the field to set up a deer from a small circle to the lap to the channel, to Baoding bar interconnected mechanical Baoding facilities. When the need for a deer Baoding, it will be from the deer homes or playground rushed to the small circle, and then rushed to the channel from the small circle, and then rushed to Baoding bar. Each forward to the deer into the channel in front of the rear door can be closed, so that it has no way back, and the channel more and more narrow, and ultimately forced Baoding bar. Baoding column has plywood, bicker and sling three forms, by virtue of these machines can be fully Baoding deer.
② drugs Baoding: general use of drugs are the following:
酒精 采用33%的酒精静脉内注入。一般只能引起短时间麻醉。剂量过大会发生危险。水合氯醛 采用3%或10%的浓度静脉内注入。鹿每公斤体重剂量为0.15克。一般可麻醉28分钟。巴比妥钠10%的溶液静脉注射。鹿每公斤体重的剂量是140—170毫克,一般能麻醉40分钟,随后睡眠1—1.5小时。
Alcohol was infused intravenously with 33% alcohol. Generally can cause short-term anesthesia. Dose over the General Assembly dangerous. Chloral hydrate was intravenously injected at a concentration of 3% or 10%. Deer per kilogram of body weight dose of 0.15 grams. General anesthesia for 28 minutes. 10% sodium pentobarbital solution intravenously. Deer per kilogram of body weight dose is 140-170 mg, generally anesthesia for 40 minutes, then sleep 1-1.5 hours.

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