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山东梅花鹿养殖基地:养鹿产业 国外市场的情况

文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-10-20 11:18:03
Deer because the body is a treasure, not only medicinal value, economic value is also very impressive, thus, the world raised deer craze. At present, the world's deer more developed countries New Zealand, Russia, Spain, Italy, the United States, France and China, and other countries are also being introduced in development.
New Zealand was originally no deer country, the mid-19th century from the United Kingdom after the introduction of red deer and red deer, due to local climate suitable forage material rich, and very few beast hazards, so that deer rapid development. To 1930, jumped to 700.8 million head, the annual hunting amount of 150,000. Artificial breeding began in the 20th century is still the era, mainly by fencing grazing approach. At present, the country has about 1.5 million deer. The purpose of farming is mainly to export venison, followed by access to other deer products. Slaughter every year 15. Concave ten thousand, export venison 5 coffee. Tons, sold to Europe, Japan and Southeast Asia, more than 30 countries and regions, foreign exchange earnings of around 65 million US dollars. With an annual output of more than flint yolt, the majority of exports. The deer industry with an annual output value of more than 2 billion US dollars.
罗斯(前苏联)是人工养鹿最早的国家之一。早在19世纪 40年代开始驯养马鹿.经一百多年驯养繁衍,现有马鹿、梅花鹿40多万头。俄罗斯养鹿场规模较大,一般500—600头,大型鹿场 2500-3000头,个别鹿场甚至达5000。8000头。产品以鹿茸为主,其次为鹿肉及其副产品。出口的鹿茸主要产自阿尔泰地区。该地区各鹿场多采用围栏放牧与人工辅助饲养相结合.做到优势互补,使茸体租壮、肥嫩,平均每头成年公鹿年产茸6.5公斤,最高达8公斤,为世界上较优质的鹿茸而左右国际市场价格。为提高生产、经营管理水平,该国还制定了生产发展规划、饲养标准及鹿茸加工规程,从而保证了各个生产环节的质量。
Rose (former Soviet Union) is one of the earliest countries to raise deer. As early as the 19th century, began breeding domesticated deer in the 1940s. After more than 100 years of domestic breeding, the existing red deer, deer more than 40 million head. Russian deer farm large scale, generally 500-600 head, large deer field 2500-3000 head, individual deer field or even 5000.8000 head. Velvet-based products, followed by venison and its by-products. Velvet exports mainly from the Altai region. The deer farms in the area are mostly fenced grazing and artificial supplementary feeding. So that the advantages of complement each other, so that the body rented strong, fat and tender, the average annual yield of adult bucks 6.5 kg, up to 8 kg, the world's more high-quality velvet around the international market prices. In order to improve production, management level, the country has also developed a production development planning, feeding standards and deer antler processing procedures, thus ensuring the quality of various production processes.
Australia has a strong animal husbandry base and excellent natural conditions, the recent deer industry is developing rapidly. National deer field of more than 1,500, the number of livestock on hand nearly 200,000. Annual slaughter of about 30,000, about 1500 tons of meat production. Australian deer mostly for farmers, the size of the various farming, ranging from small support only a few, many of the 4000-5000 head, of which 5% of farmers to completely deer-based.
Spain has a long history of deer, velvet export is one of the major countries; Norway, Finland, Denmark in addition to hunting a large number of deer each year outside the deer. Reindeer reared more than 70 million head, every year there are considerable exports of venison; Sweden is to take government subsidies to encourage residents to deer. The current number of more than 100,000 head of livestock. Britain is one of the earliest deer country, the existing column number of 70,000. The United States, Germany, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Canada, Austria and other countries, and some use of advanced science and technology and strong economic strength, and some use of vast land and rich pastures to accelerate the pace of development. Deer farming has become a global industry.

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