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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-10-21 11:47:55
灭鼠与杀虫是养鹿场一项非常必要的工作。老鼠和蚊、蝇等昆虫是传播传染病的媒介。据有关资料记述,鹿钩端螺旋体病、巴氏杆菌灭鼠与杀虫是养鹿场一项非常必要的工作。老鼠和蚊、蝇等昆虫是传播传染病的媒介。据有关资料记述, 鹿钩端螺旋体病、巴氏杆菌病的传播和鼠类有关。而鹿的炭疽病、狂犬病、脑炎等的流行与吸血昆虫有关。
Rodent control and insecticide is a very necessary work for raising deer farm. Mice and mosquitoes, flies and other insects is the vector of transmission of infectious diseases. According to the information described, deer leptospirosis, Pasteurella rodent control and insecticide is a very necessary deer farm work. Mice and mosquitoes, flies and other insects is the vector of transmission of infectious diseases. According to the information described, deer leptospirosis, the spread of Pasteurellosis and rodents. The deer of the anthrax, rabies, encephalitis and other epidemic and blood-sucking insects.
In recent years, more types of rodenticide were reported. According to our practice, Zinc phosphide poisoning method is better. Its main advantages are low cost, large effect, easy operation. You can use rice, soybeans, sunflower, etc. as bait, rodent feeding up to 80 a 100%. The weight ratio of zinc phosphide to erbium is 4: 100. The surface of the bait is wetted with water first, then zinc phosphide is slowly added and the mixture is agitated to make the powder uniformly adhere to the bait surface. With a good bait Er night place on the mouse, the next morning by the person to poison bait and dead rats back to prevent the spread of contaminated feed and water, must not allow other animals intoxicated by ingestion.
Mosquitoes, flies can not only spread the disease, while harassing deer. Therefore, the deer farm should be regularly on the insects to kill. Commonly used insecticide has 0.1 a o. 2% trichlorfon solution or dichlorvos emulsion, 5% drops of ladder, o. 25'o. 5% 666 coal tar liquid and other poisons. At the same time pay attention to the regular elimination of deer homes refuse and feces, filled puddles, eliminate mosquitoes, flies breeding.

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