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文章发布:千鹿园 发表时间:2016-10-31 11:42:39
Recently, more and more people concerned about the current deer situation, with or without risk, can not make money, prospects and so on. Today we come to talk about:
1, deer situation Development trend is very gratifying, mainly in: 
① North China, South China, Central China provinces and cities each year from the Northeast and Beijing to buy a large number of deer deer species of deer.
② supply and marketing channels are being formed. Now almost everywhere there are deer products dealers in the activities of the Beijing Jiulu deer industry is not only breeding base, more stores! Deer product purchase and sale has been difficult. 
③ deer team has grown, technology penetration continues to deepen. For decades, only deer research institutes, universities and dozens of state-owned deer farms in Northeast China have cultivated a large number of deer technical personnel through various forms. They have become the backbone force of deer industry. Over the past 30 years, through a variety of ways published a large number of deer books and academic papers, at all levels of government reward scientific research reached more than 100 items.
2、养鹿有无风险确切地说,养鹿还是有风险的,风险之一来自市场,国内市场还很脆弱,国际市场风云莫测。风险之二是鹿的病害。前者我们不能控制,后者可以通过科学的喂养和卫生防疫得到控制。 同时也应看到养鹿的机遇。
2, deer whether the risk of Exactly speaking, deer or risk, one of the risks from the market, the domestic market is still fragile, the international market unpredictable. The second risk is deer's disease. The former we can not control, the latter can be controlled by scientific feeding and health and epidemic prevention. At the same time should also see the opportunities of deer.
First, with the development of the national economy, people's living standards improve, deer products will become increasingly popular.
Second, the development of modern high-tech, will lead deer technology development.
Third, the country is adjusting the agricultural structure, from the traditional agriculture to the name, special, excellent, new agricultural tilt, to the development of deer industry provides an opportunity.
3, deer can not make money Whether before, now or in the future, deer money is in the affirmative, but earn more and earn less. Of course, the deer are not flat fast project, its one-time investment is larger, such as building homes, introduction, etc., a dozen deer spend tens of thousands of dollars, while the normal sale of velvet and deer profit, in general, 3-4 Years back to this, the relative slow effect. But back after the deer is the "cash cow", "cornucopia" the. Because the farmer deer labor and part of the feed can be regardless of cost or low cost. Considered the average profit of each large deer net profit of 1,000-1500 yuan.
4, deer prospects How to be said that prospects for deer optimistic, and good deer species rich in resources, regardless of the introduction of deer or red deer are not difficult. But I advise friends to pay attention to the introduction of the quality of deer, not cited low deer, old and sick deer, especially from the hands of traffickers should pay more attention. In addition, China's rich feed resources, cattle and horses can eat feed deer can eat, coupled with deer adaptability, can be raised throughout the country. With the improvement of people's living standards not only need velvet, deer blood, deer and other health items, but also venison, deer tendons, deer and other delicacies. The problem is that we should continue to strengthen in-depth scientific research on deer, in high yield, high quality, low consumption on the fuss, expand publicity, so that deer into the tens of thousands of households. 

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